Saturday, July 14, 2018

Fabric fabric everywhere!

I thought I heard my phone ringing at 5:30 so I got up. But there was no sign that anyone had called. So I went back to bed and ignored any future sounds of ringing. I think I went back to sleep. Chris' alarm went off at 6:30. He nudged me but I wasn't ready to get up. But within 15 minutes, I did. I made myself a quart of lemon water, even though I might not have time to drink it. And it might mean stopping a lot along the way.
My phone rang as I was making breakfast. They were on their way to get me. I packed a lunch and threw in my water bottles. I also took some bags of fleece strips for later. Chris drove me to the front gate of the Arsenal. Soon Beverly and her husband were there to pick me up.
I got in the back seat, and we were on our way to Wilsons Fabric Outlet in Boaz. I ate my breakfast as Beverly drove. William called to say he'd bought me a Singer Featherweight on a yard sale for $20. That was an amazing price. But it was heavy. Ned commented on how things have changed as we drove through Guntersville. Apparently they used to go this way along time ago.
We missed the fabric outlet in Boaz and got lost, or rather went too far. She used her GPS to find the way to Anita's house. When we arrived, we parked and went into the house to see Anita. But her dog got very upset so we went out again. We left Ned there with his metal detector and the three of us women went to Wilson's Fabric Outlet.
The parking lot was pretty full when we got there. Many of the ladies of the Modern Quilt Guild were there shopping. All the carts were in use. So as I selected fabric, I carried the bolts. But that only lasted so long. Then I had a pile and we took turns guarding it. (A good friend will help you guard your fabric). When I thought we had seen everything, we wanted to get in line to have it cut. I could not find a cart anywhere. But Beverly followed two ladies out to their car to get the cart they were using. (A really good friend will stalk old ladies to get you a cart). Anita added her bolts to our bolts and we stood in line, chatting with the other ladies. I watched the fabrics being cut ahead of us. When I saw one I wanted, I ran up to pick it off the waiting-to-be-shelved pile. We were in line a long time, but it was still fun.
I pulled my bolts out first and had lengths cut. Then I went to pay while Beverly had hers cut. Anita went next. It took long enough that I investigated the other side of the store where the non-quilting fabrics were. I found a nice piece of white satin. Since all the fabrics were 40% off, it was a good deal. I finished paying for it about the same time Anita paid for hers.
So the three of us took our fabric finds out the car and put them in the trunk. We went to Burger King where Anita and Beverly bought lunch. Then we went back to Anita's house. Her son was mowing the extensive lawn with a riding mower. Beverly, Ned and I ate lunch at the picnic table because of the dog inside. I ate the lunch I brought. It was nice there in the shade.
Ned was done metal-detecting and maybe a little disappointed that he didn't find much. So we bid Anita goodbye and headed back to Huntsville. As she drove, I listened to Ned's stories about metal detecting and the people who make a metal-detecting show. Nothing to do with Ned, but I must have been tired because I nearly fell asleep. William called back to say he looked up Featherweights and this wasn't one of them after all. But there was no name on the machine so he could look it up.
It was about 4:30 when they drove me on post to my house. Beverly got my fabric out of the trunk. I thanked them and went inside. I was surprised that I didn't need to use the restroom. I had drunk a lot of water. Maybe it was all the sweating from the hot flashes. I ate some bitter melon, and 6 cloves of pickled garlic. I checked my e-mail, which was considerable. I read that 5 -6 dried plums a day increases bone density.
Then I made and ate lots of salad. I went for a walk and picked some blackberries. When I got back, I ate some frozen strawberries while listening to podcasts.
I paused a podcast to watch TV with Chris. We watched the next episode of Death in Paradise while I wore the cold sock of rice around my neck. I got up to put it back in the freezer and Chris announced that there were no more episodes of the show on Netflix. So while he brushed his teeth, I looked for something else to watch. I didn't want anything too dark or serious so I chose Comedians in Cars getting Coffee with Jerry Seinfield. While it wasn't crazy funny, it was a diversion. I watched two episodes. Chris gave up after one. Then I sat down to write my blog and drink. I had a bug bite on my chest so I put some onion paste on it to stop the itch. (It did not work for my ear, but bug bites are different). I was tired and it was time to go to bed. So I brushed my teeth and put some ozone cream behind my last molar and retired for the night.
* The longer we stood in line, the more fabric we had. When we left, I had the largest bag, but Anita had spent more, so I guess she gets the prize. *

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