Saturday, July 28, 2018

A walk in the woods

I got up at 8. I drank some water, then brushed and swished. I changed thread on my machine so I could sew more strips. I check messages to see if Jennifer gave me a time to meet. I put onion juice on the side of my head and let it dry there. Then I took a shower and got dressed. Then I saw a message from her reminding me that we should wear pants and socks and to meet her at 9:45. So I dressed again and hunted down my thick walking shoes. I put them in a bag along with a can of coconut water and bug spray and the last of the seed crackers.
I headed out about 9:15. I drove to Costco and locked up the car. I stood around, watching for her. I texted her a few times. She pulled up right on time. I got in and we followed the GPS on her phone to Rainbow Mountain.
We were late and it was her son giving the talk. But he waited for us. And as soon as we arrived, we went in search of the bathroom, which turned out to be a porta-potty. Then we gathered with the others under the pavilion to hear his talk. He talked about finding plants in the forest for food and medicine. He had a jar of 'lemonade' made from sumac and we got to taste it.
Then we went on a short walk through the forest. He stopped often to indentify a plant and tell us about it. I took pics and notes on my phone, but wished I had been smart enough to bring paper. At least I brought bug spray.
After the walk, he talked about some books we could invest in on foraging. We signed up for his e-mail list. And then we got in Jennifer's car and went back to Costco.
She had a Costco membership so I went in with her. I had been told Costco had Sonicare electric toothbrushes on sale 2 for $60. But all we saw was $40 off of $155, too expensive for a toothbrush. So she showed me around. There were some good deals in the produce aisle so I got a few things and she got cherries. We also got the six-pack of ginger kombucha. We looked around some more but she had all she needed since her husband had been there earlier today. We checked out and wheeled the car out to our cars. I tried to pay her but she said she would figure it out at home. I put my groceries in my car and we parted ways.
I went out the back way to Oakwood and over to Huntsville Sew-n-Vac. I went to the batik section and picked out some ocean looking ones. Since there was produce in my car, I chose quickly. But the sales person wasn't in a hurry. When it was cut, I took it to the register and told her I was a member of a local guild. So she gave me 20% off, which was nice. Then I went home.
Chris was there on his laptop. I put groceries away. I washed the strawberries and put them in the freezer. I washed some cherries and shared them with Chris. I ate the rest of the liver and then made and ate breakfast. I found the same deal on Sonicare on Amazon that Costco was supposed to have. So I ordered it.
I searched through ASMR videos to find something interesting. I read e-mail. I cut and sorted fabric strips while listening to a podcast. I dusted my laptop from all the fabric strips.
I took a walk around the neighborhood. I saw a tree with lavender berries on it and wished I had my camera to take a pic. When I got back, I had to pull a million little sticker balls off of my pants and socks. I read e-mail again until Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched one episode of Continuum and three episodes of McHale's Navy, finishing the DVD from Netflix. Chris put it back in the red envelop. We put clean sheets on the bed. I boiled some water for soaking nuts and for making tea. I had some leftover so I made a saline solution to use as a compress for the skin around my ear. I held it there for a bit but I didn't feel anything so I shook more salt on top of the wet cloth and then held it to my head while I played Solitaire. Before long it got itchy so I stopped. It was time to get started on my blog.
* Sumac, the basis for a tea. *

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