Wednesday, July 11, 2018

New ID

I got up at 7, thinking I heard my alarm, but I was mistaken. I swished, and sewed on some strips to a block. Then I put water and coffee on to heat. I typed in the supply list for the iron caddy and sent it to Jane. Then I started reading e-mail.
I opened some niacin capsules and swallowed the powder. I started drybrushing and was in niacin flush when I was ready to exercise. After the exercises, I sliced up the last two apples, and put them on a cookie sheet to dehydrate in the sun. Then I typed in the rest of the iron caddy instructions but some of it did not make sense.
I put on some meditation music and did my rounds of tapping. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, washing things in the sink. I swept the floors with a dustmop. Then I needed to send dental x-rays to the holistic dentist, but they were encrypted. I looked up how to unencrypt them but it didn't work. So I had to send them encrypted along with the password to the dentist's office.
I finished mowing the lawn from Monday. I put on my bathing suit and laid out on a towel in the sun. When the sun went behind a cloud, I clipped grass under the pumpkin vines until it came back. When it looked like the sun wasn't coming back, I picked up the towel and went in. I watered the plants. I put a rubber glove over my taped wrist and took a shower. But the tape got wet anyway. I laid on the bed under the ceiling fan to cool off after the shower. Then I got dressed nicely and combed my hair.
I was reading e-mail when Chris came home. I checked my hair and put on shoes. Then he drove us to the visitors center to get my new ID. Making that left turn, he wasn't watching on-coming traffic and I nearly had a heart attack. My screams stopped him just in time. After we parked, I tried to resume calm breathing, but when we got to the door there was a sign saying that their machine was down and they couldn't print ID's. This had been my fear – that at the last minute something would go wrong and my ID would expire. So we explained to the man that my ID expires tomorrow and we had special permission to renew it today. He said if my photo was already in the system, he could make it. Then he told me to take a number. There were people waiting, so I was surprised when he called it right away. I handed him my old ID and he found me in the system and printed out a new one. Whew! But dressing up was a waste of time.
Chris drove us back to our home, going through gate 9. I showed my new ID and it was accepted. When we got back, I went for a walk. Initially I was going to walk to the berry patch, but on the way I remembered that today is my fasting day, so no berries for me.
When I got back, I filled out all the paperwork that I downloaded from the dentist's office. I also updated my supplement sheet in case he asked for it. Then I made a mug of bone broth. Since the Korean doctor recommended that I put onion on my itchy ear, I looked it up. The article I found said to grind some onion into a paste. So I did. I cut a cotton round in half and scooped onion onto it. I held it on my ear as I brought in the apples which weren't quite dry. I noticed gnats and fuzzy stuff on my sprouts. So I threw them out and washed the container in hot soapy water, Then I filled it with hot water, white vinegar and tea tree oil to soak.
I laid on the couch, holding the onion on my ear. When Chris had finished his supper, we watched two episodes of Death in Paradise. It won't be long before there's a new sheriff in town. Then Chris retired to bed and I stayed up to blog, trying not to think about food.
* These are the blue blocks I laid out on Monday. *

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