Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A very rainy day

I woke up at 9am. I thought it was early because very little light was coming through the window. Sadly, it was just raining – a gray and dismal day. I got up to brush and swish. I sewed two pairs into a 4-patch. I turned on the router. I checked e-mail and drank water. I took some niacin and did my exercises when the flush hit. I made coffee. I put on some chakra music. I tapped and meditated.
I squared up some blocks from all the ones I pressed the other day. I was perplexed at how one side was routinely smaller than the 8.5 goal size. Usually my blocks are slightly larger than necessary because of my scant quarter inch. So it just didn't make sense. I can believe that the strips may have been cut badly (since they were donated), but always on the same side? Maybe I have a bad ruler? But no, I turned it 180 degrees and the blocks were still off.
I checked e-mail. My tapping buddy suggested that the berries I picked might be bush honeysuckle. So I looked it up. The leaves look the same, but those berries had stems and mine didn't. But it could be just a different cultivar. Probably not edible. Definitely not tasty.
I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I scrubbed the countertops with oil soap and let it sit, hoping to get the turmeric stains off. But it didn't work. I threw out the seeds that didn't sprout. They were smelling moldy, and only one had sprouted. I checked the house mail and brought in my offerings folder. I searched the Swanson's site for stuff to order since they were having a sale.
Chris came home from work. I told him I couldn't find a certain meme and wanted to make my own. He suggested using OpenOffice, and finding a pic through Google images.
To my surprise, I found a meme generator. I was able to easily make some Ryan Gosling memes for my Pinterest pages. Then I looked at Scanar devices online. They are a non-invasive electrical approach to healing, but really expensive for personal use.
I took a shower and got dressed. I puttered around a bit, then left for choir practice. It wasn't raining any more. I got there early. I put the bank bag back in the safe. Then I used the restroom and found the toilet running, again. Then I went to the sanctuary to turn in the old music and pick up a new piece. I talked to Jennifer until Cecelia arrived. She said she was going to start practicing her flute again and encouraged me to play my trombone.
Soon practice began. We did our warm-up and practiced our songs in reverse order. When we got to the piece for this Sunday, we went up front where we will be singing. We sang through it several times and were dismissed. Cecelia told me she would be gone for two weeks in October. Then I went home.
When I got there, Chris was at his laptop. I checked my phone and found a text from my massage lady. I set up an appt for Friday. Chris opened the Netflix envelope to find that it was Lucifer season 3, but we have already seen that. So he put it back in the sleeve and we watched two episodes of DS9 instead. Then Chris made his lunch and went to bed. I stayed up to swish, blog, and drink kava tea.
* This is the design my giant G will be part of. *

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