Saturday, September 22, 2018

Black walnut tincture (or hair dye)

I got up about 8, I guess. I brushed and swished and sewed two patches together. Chris had the router on already. I checked e-mail and listened to an interview:

Have wheatgrass growing around you. It has protective benefits from radiation. Yellowdock root is good for detoxing and helps cells deflect radiation. Grind it, put it in a mesh bag, run hot water through it, and use as a luffah. Also can use milk thistle, or picrorhiza. Juicing helps detox. As does skin brushing, and saunas. Sweating is good for getting toxins out.

I finalized several purchases I was considering. One was Viome and I got $100 off. The other was a yard of arganmesh fabric to repel radiation from routers and cell towers.
I wanted to wash my black and white bag, but there was an unexpected raw edge. I sewed several lines of quilting to stabilize it. Then, since I was sitting at the machine, I sewed a number of pairs of patches. I took some apart and then paired up lights and darks.
I took berries off of several sumac plumes. I rinsed them quickly, then put them in a glass pitcher and poured warm water over them. As they sat in the water, it began to turn pink.
When Chris was ready, we went to Kroger to buy pickled garlic. They didn't have it, but I found beets, instead. Then we went across the street to the liquor store to get vodka. Chris got schnapps too.
When we got home, I put on rubber gloves and got a hammer. I used the hammer to crack open the walnut hulls. I pressed the pieces into a jar, and poured vodka over it and put the lid on. I cleaned up with a piece of fabric, hoping for a nice stain pattern. I separated the remaining hulls from their nuts. I threw out the leftover hulls because some had maggots. I left the nuts to dry.
I listened to another interview, this one all about grounding. I read the council report. It sounds like a cell company wants to rent some of the land to site a tower. If that happens, I may have to find another church.
As I listened, I separated the berries I had collected from the tree debris that came with them. But I needed more berries. So I took a clear plastic bag and went for a walk. I found juniper trees. I bagged the end of a limb and shook it to get the ripe berries to fall off. I went to several places on post to collect as many as I could because they are small.
When I got back, I started pouring them in a small dish. A large spider came out of the bag. I jumped back and let Chris handle it. He took the dish outside and coaxed the spider out. However, it was a female wolf spider and her babies were mixed in with the berries.
I listened to more of the interview while separating the new batch of berries. There were a bunch of green ones. I put some in a bag for Jennifer.
I ate some lamb and quinoa. After a bit, I made and ate salad. Chris had cooked me chick peas for hummus, but I was tired so I put the chick peas away.
We watched two episodes of DS9. I brushed my teeth while Chris pulled clean sheets out of the laundry and then we dressed the bed. I swished and rubbed my head with an onion while typing up my blog.
* I didn't wash the walnut hulls, but Chris said the vodka would kill anything left on them. *

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