Sunday, September 30, 2018

Last day of September

I woke up very early, scraped my tongue and went back to bed. I woke up later and turned over again. When I finally got up, it was after 8. I sewed some blocks together, then brushed. I swished while I took a shower. Then I got dressed and deleted a round of e-mail. Then I went to church.
I was a little early for choir so I talked to Jennifer who was excited about going north for Canadian Thanksgiving. She canceled choir for next Sunday. We sang through today's song several times, then disbanded. Cecelia sat with me and Don. The organist played something beautiful, but the timing wasn't steady. The pastor gave the announcements.
After the service, there was a luncheon in the fellowship hall. But I didn't stay. I went home and changed my clothes. Then Chris and I went to Kroger for groceries. It was cheaper, but we did not find everything we are used to getting.
When we got home, we put the food away. Chris boiled eggs and put pork in the oven. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I looked at articles on teeth and chewing. I opened a young coconut, drank the water and scraped the jelly from the inside of the shell. I rolled up some newspaper to make a rod. I used it to hang the pumpkin wallhanging on the front door. I did some more sewing. I scrubbed the green chair with soapy water and left it to soak. I boiled 6 beets. While they were on the stove, I mowed the lawn. When I came in, I plugged in the battery to recharge. The pork was out of the oven. Chris put some on his plate so I got a plate, too. It was quite good.
I read more articles about healing. After eating the pork, I made lots of salad. I topped the second bowl of it with raw garlic. The beets were cool, so I cut them up and put them in an old kimchi jar. I poured vinegar and water over them, then added chopped garlic and salt. I put all the food in the fridge, except for the beet leaves. I left them in a bowl of water to rehydrate. Then I got out the Bissell and sucked all the water from the chair, hoping the stain would be gone when it was fully dry. I had been meaning to clean the spot for years. Waiting for Chris to finish a movie, I played Solitaire and ate blueberries. Somehow I lost the last berry. I thought it fell in my lap, but I looked there and everywhere. It just disappeared.
When Chris was done watching the movie on his laptop, we moved to the living room to watch two episodes of DS9. Chris made his lunch for tomorrow while I brushed and swished. I wrote up my blog post for today. Then I applied the ozone cream in several places and got ready for bed.
* Some cute towels for sale at the fabric store. *

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