Saturday, September 1, 2018

Vision board

I don't know when I got up this morning, but it started in the usual way: brushing, drinking water, sewing. Chris already had the router on, so I dived into e-mail. At some point, Chris decided to give me a coconut oil massage. Saved him $80.
Later I made and ate breakfast, and also ate a tomato and 10 cloves of pickled garlic. I looked for a Pinterest board for healthy teeth and did not find one. So I made a Pinterest page of smiles featuring perfect teeth. I added lots of pics of old movie stars when they were younger to get (hopefully) smiles of natural teeth and not dentures or crowns. I added some blog pics to my sewing page.
About 4, I ate some lunch. I repaired underarm seams in Chris' orange shirt. I read more e-mail, trying to catch up to where I was before I went to the beach. I listened to health audios while playing Solitaire. I peaked at my vision board of toothy smiles.
I took a walk to the back of the neighborhood, looking for anything new flowering, but nothing was. When I got back, I watered the plants. I mowed the lawn in the other direction 'till the mower slowed down. I plugged the battery in to recharge. I checked the mail, but the box was empty. I took a shower and put on my nightgown. Then I made a salad for supper. After eating, I rested on the couch until Chris finished whatever he was doing. Then we watched 4 episodes of McHale's Navy. Afterward, Chris and I put clean sheets on the bed. Then I swished with sesame oil while I typed up my blog post for today. I put on a 'sleep starter' patch that includes magnesium and melatonin and hoped to fall asleep easily.
* this is a flowering vine that Beverly and I saw on Tuesday. I don't know what it is. *

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