Monday, September 17, 2018

Oh, the burn!

We heard the alarm ring at 7:30 but I was not able to get up until 8. I brushed and swished and sewed the ends of binding strips together. I took a shower and got dressed for church. I drank water and ate a fat bomb. I picked up a jar of honey and headed to church.
I got there early enough to give the honey to Jennifer before the choir practiced for a few minutes. After practice, I sat in my pew to peruse the bulletin. I filled out the pledge strip. Don came and sat beside me. I reminded him that it was Consecration Sunday and to fill out a pledge strip and put it in the offering plate. Well, when the pastor did the announcements before the service, he said there was a special basket for the pledge strips to be used near the end of the service.
At the appropriate time in the service, the choir assembled up front and we sang it pretty well. Don put his pledge card in the plate at the offering. I guess he didn't hear the pastor say differently. Later, during communion, Art fell getting up from the rail. Near the end of the service, the congregation lined up to put the pledge cards in the basket. After the service, Art took the offering to the back. Tim picked up the basket. I said there was at least one pledge card in the offering, so he looked through the plates and found 3 more. Three of us went to the front office to run the numbers. We alphabetized the slips. Ron had a printout with numbers on it by every name. We wrote new numbers by those names who had submitted a card. Then Tim added them all up. When we were done, Ron announced the number to the congregation in the fellowship hall. Then the three of us had some leftovers as the meal was being cleaned up. Dawn talked to me as I sat there. Eventually we had to go as everyone left. Ron gave me a container of fruit to take home since no one claimed it.
So I went home. I put the fruit in the kitchen and changed my clothes. I soaked the seeds for 10 minutes and made breakfast. After breakfast we went to Publix for groceries. We picked up a lamb roast. After we got home, we put the food away and Chris put the lamb roast in the oven.
After reading e-mail, I played some audios and ironed fabric while I listened. Later I took a walk to find the tree with berries. I took pics. I also found some shrubs that will have berries next month.
I downloaded the pics to my computer. I looked for what kind of bush it was. Then we heard a loud crash. Searching the house, Chris discovered that the globe of the ceiling fan had hit the coffee table and bounced to the piano and fractured into lots of pieces. He picked up the big pieces and I vacuumed. I emptied the vacuum cup and filter into a bag and Chris took it all to the garbage can.
I ate last of the heart stew. I peeled garlic, chopped it, and ate it with the last of the hummus. I peeled more garlic, threw it in a jar, chopped up horseradish and ginger root. I cut up all the hot peppers and threw them in. I added some basil and mint from my plants out front, plus the rosemary that Jennifer had given me. I pressed it down really well and doused it with vinegar to make a tonic (takes a month).
We started watching DS9. But my hands were burning. I tried washing them with an oil-based soap, but it didn't help. Chris called Mike and he recommended rubbing alcohol. That helped for a bit, but the burning came back. So I went to get ginger ice cubes. But they had dried out. So I got the Chillow from the fridge. I rested my hands on that while we watched the rest of the episode plus one more. The Chillow lost its chill. I tried ozone cream, but that didn't help. I tried the alcohol again, but it had no effect. I tried witch hazel. Nope. I looked on Google. Someone wrote about baking soda to neutralize the acid. Nope. Then I progressed to cucumber. Holding a slice of cucumber helped, but only for a few minutes. I had to cut more off every few minutes. Between short stints of typing, I tried other things: vinegar, kefir, butter, milk, argan oil, castor oil, oil-n-salt. Really the only things that helped were frozen, and then only while I held them. I washed my hands some more. Then I finished my post and went to bed.
* If you know the name of this bush, please tell me. *

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