Sunday, September 23, 2018

I am an ecosystem

We heard my alarm ring at 7:30 but I did not feel like getting up. Chris did, though. He was on his laptop when I arose. I brushed and swished and sewed several pairs of patches. I took a shower. I rinsed the juniper berries and put them in the fire cider. I poured the sumac tea through a filter into a pitcher and had a taste. It was good. Nice color, too.
I listened to an interview on EMF:
frequencies in the AM band are very long and don't affect us much. But as the wavelengths get shorter, they have more of an effect. Micro-waves will have the most effect. Fields can interfere with each other. Some fields have frequencies that interfere with certain medications. 90% of people who wore the hat of shielding fabric felt significantly better. EMF's affect the microbiome, which isn't just in the gut, it is all over the body. It affects sleep, cognition, behavior, Sleep in a Faraday cage for protection and good sleep. We are more vacuum space than solid substance.
I got dressed and went to church. Jennifer was walking to her car as I drove up. I gave her a small baggie of juniper berries. She gave me an elderberry lozenge and invited me to read the ingredients on the bottle. I got out my glasses and read. I was not impressed, but did not spit it out. I had to catch up on Doris' life. Soon we gathered to go through the choir piece a few times. It went ok. I asked Elaine about the NAEC treatments. We walked to the foyer to get bulletins while she answered. Her doctor is using acupuncture to get rid of allergies to calcium, eggs, wheat, etc. Then I got to talking with Margie, the pastor's wife. We ended up walking into the sanctuary during announcements. I sat in my usual pew, and Don came in soon after.
It was a good service. The pastor talked about how there aren't any self-help groups for pride, but there are for the rest of the seven deadly sins. After the service, I joined the congregation in the fellowship hall to welcome a new member. It turned out that she just retired from the FBI's DNA division. So we had quite the conversation. Oh, and she quilts, too.
Afterward, I went home to change my clothes. Then Chris and I went to Publix for groceries. I asked the produce guy for pickled garlic. He said they didn't have it, but could order it. So I wrote down my name and phone number.
When we got back, Chris cut up onions to make soup and put the leftover lamb in it. I think he cooked some other things for his use later in the week. When I thought he was done in the kitchen, I made and ate breakfast. I drank the rest of the sumac tea. I tried to eat 10 cloves of raw garlic since I was out of pickled garlic, but just couldn't do it. So I made hummus using a different attachment on the mixer. It was much easier. Then I ate the garlic cloves with the hummus. Afterward, I washed all the dishes I used.
I listened to another interview:
We're not human, we are an ecosystem of human, virus, bacteria, parasites, etc. So cell-to-cell communication is very important. The microbiome of stool can tell what diseases you have or are developing. You are taken care of at the cellular level by billions and trillions of cells that are non-human. Glyphosate destroys the extracellular matrix, thereby interrupting the cell-to-cell communication. Cell towers do it, too. Every round of antibiotics reduces your lifespan. For more info:,

The onion stew with lamb was finished cooking. It was ok. I ate one bowl. I peeled the entire package of turmeric that we bought. I chopped it up. Some went in the fire cider and the rest got boiled at length. I wandered into the living/sewing area and contemplated what I could do for the cropping challenge of the Modern Quilt Guild. Soon, Chris cued up Netflix and we watched two episodes. I rubbed my head with onion while we watched. Later, I swished with tooth powder and xylitol. I wrote my blog post for the day and put on a sleep patch.
* This is the 'before' pic of the sumac tea. Sadly, I forgot to take an 'after' picture. *

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