Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Hanging by half

I got up at 7:15. I brushed and swished and sewed some patches together. I turned on the router and let it warm up while I picked up paper on the back porch. I woke up my laptop and started reading e-mail. But the cursor froze. Chris had clued me in that closing the lid would unlock it. And that worked yesterday. But today when I tried to close the lid, the hinge broke. AAARGH! I rebooted it.
I played the last interview from the EMF summit while I ironed quilt squares from yesterday. When that was done, I sat down to listen to the rest:
EMF's affect fish and birds sense of direction. Fish are more likely to end up on the beach. Don't have smart devices in your bedroom. White noise generators, metals are conductive like the coils in the mattress.

I drank my quart of water. Then I trimmed some of the blocks. I ate a fat bomb and read e-mail. Then I got dressed and went to quilting.
I picked up a range of stabilizers on the give-away table. I gave some black and white fabrics to Beverly W. She agreed to let me use her log cabin blocks for my demo next week. I worked on the binding for Jane's qult. Thelma was giving out tomatoes and I took 2.
After they all left, Beverly C and I went to the Asian store for kimbap. I ate some of mine in the car and one of the tomatoes. We went to the sportsplex to walk a mile. The other tomato got a little cooked in the hot car. Then I went home.
I ate the rest of the kimbap with kimchi. I read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I put my phone in my purse so I could use the calculator function later. Dr. Grace called to say the clinic would be closed for the rest of the week so I don't need to show up tomorrow.
I drove to the church. The pastor was there. We stayed out of each other's way until I was almost finished. As he was leaving, I asked how he felt. I was worried that his desk was right behind the wall of the router. We talked about EMF's and he said his wife was sensitive also. After he left, I finished up and printed the reports. I took the money to the bank and deposited it. The lady at the front desk offered to come to the church and do financial talks.
From there, I went to the farmer's market. I got frozen meats. I bought some cilantro sprouts. looked at all the other things available. I ran into the pastor's wife and we had a nice chat. Then I bought some cheeses from the goat farm guy. I wanted to look at apples, too, but decided I needed to get the meat home to the freezer.
On the way home It started to rain. I had to dash inside with the bags of meat, cheese, and sprouts. I showed Chris how the lid of my laptop broke off on one side. I wanted to know how to fix it and he thought I should live with it. I ate some frozen watermelon and read e-mail.
Around 8, Chris cued up DS9 and we watched two episodes. Then he made his sandwich and went to bed. Sadly I spent too much time on Pinterest trying to find a pic of Ryan Gosling in a bloody shirt saying “Hey Girl, that guy over there didn't know the difference between a quilt and a blanket. He does now.” Unfortunately, I did not find it and I don't know how to create it. I swished and used ozone cream and went to bed.
* This is a quilt shown at the guild meeting. *

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