Sunday, September 2, 2018

No luck at the bloodmobile

I got up around 8:15. I drank water, swished and sewed one strip. I washed up and got dressed. Since I used the sleep patch last night, I waited until this morning to put on the vitamin C patch. I drank some more water. I washed out my footies and left them to dry. Then I went to church.
I got stopped on the way for speeding. I did not argue with him, but remained calm and quiet. He did not charge me this time, he said.
I proceeded to church and was not late. I sat in my usual pew but Don was not there so I was alone. So I could have sat with Jennifer, but I didn't think of it until after the service started.
We had a supply pastor and she did not know quite how we usually do things. So there were a lot of moments when we were not sure whether to stand or sing or what. One of the videos I had watched recently suggested blessing seven people a day with what you want for yourself. So during the passing of the peace, I silently blessed everyone with strong, healthy teeth.
After the service, I went to talk to Jennifer. She told me about the farmer's market that she went to on Cook Avenue. A young girl asked her to buy donuts as a fund raiser for her school. Later, when I was talking to Mary, the girl and her sister approached Mary for the same reason. I did not want to buy donuts, but I looked for a few bucks to make a donation. But all I had were big bills after the farmer's market on Thursday. Then I went to the office to get a new list of envelop numbers. I put it where I count money. Tim came in to talk to me so we had a conversation there in the office. I walked out talking to him and to Susan.
There was a bloodmobile in the parking lot of the church. I have such good blood that it seemed selfish to keep it to myself. Thinking it might be good to test my needle phobia, I went in. I couldn't think of any reason my blood would not be acceptable, but when I offered, they refused to take it because I hadn't eaten today. They thought I might pass out giving blood. I argued a little, but no. They had snacks, but it was all processed carbs.
Then I was going to call Chris to meet me at Publix, but realized my phone was still at home. So I went home. I changed clothes, and ate a fat bomb. And we went shopping.
When we got back, we put the groceries away. Chris hardboiled eggs and started making chicken soup. I ate some cashews with butter, then made and ate breakfast.
I read part of an old book online called Woe unto you, Lawyers.
Beverly texted me and I called her back. We talked about threading her serger. I sorted fleece strips for another rug. I cut more strips after the call. I washed dye from two pieces of fabric I had soaking for weeks.
I put on a cooler shirt, and went for a walk. I picked berries, primarily poke and put them in a baggie. On the way home, I licked my hands so they didn't look like I had just come from a murder. I washed my hands well at home. The soup was ready, so I ate a bowl of it and my daily handful of nuts. Later I made a salad, and ate it while listening to an interview on gums: There is healthy plaque and unhealthy plaque. Oil pulling gets rid of too many bacteria. Any bleeding of the gums is bad.
It was after 9 when we watched the last two episodes of McHale's Navy on the DVD. Then we watched an episode of Good Witch, the series. Now that I have seen the movie that the series is based on, it makes more sense. Actually there are 5 more movies that I haven't seen yet. I typed up my blog post and got ready for bed.
* This is Michele and Becca playing steampunk dress-up at the beach. *

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