Friday, October 5, 2018

A Star is Born

I got up about 7:40. I brushed and swished. I sat outside on the front porch and harvested more sumac berries. I decided to save some plumes to decorate my door with at Christmas – assuming we are still here.
After half an hour, I came in and washed my hands and scraped the red stuff from under my fingernails. Then I found some ribbon and made ties for my wi-fi smock. I also sewed down the floating edge of the neck facing. Then I turned on the router and boiled water for tea. Then I drank water while reading e-mail. I listened to audios while making 4 breakfasts and packing a food box. I washed some water bottles with boiling water. I made more spice mix.
Finally I ate one breakfast. Then I got dressed and watered the plants. It was time to go to the movies!
I stopped at the bank on the way to the theater. But the line was long, so I got back on the road. Leanne was waiting for me when I got there. We went in and bought tickets. We sat through the obligatory 20 minutes of commercials and previews. Then we watched A Star is Born. It was so loud at the beginning that we had to cover our ears. The story was well told, but there was bad language.
When we got out, it was almost 4. The movie was over 2 hours long. I went back to the bank and deposited a check and picked up some cash for this weekend. Then I drove to the arsenal, stopping at the post office in case Chris didn't make it. But when I got home, he was there and said they had gotten out early. There was a package for me from Swansons.
I ate some pork and a big salad. I read e-mail and listened to more audios. I watched a short video on identifying comfrey. I looked up info on all the remakes of A Star is Born.
At 8 Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched one episode of Dukes of Hazzard. The menu said there were three more episodes on the back of the DVD, but we tried and got nothing. So then we watched DS9. After that, Chris went to bed. I stayed up to swish and blog.
* This is a wallhanging that Leanne made in a recent class. *

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