Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I won!

I fell asleep listening to Holosync and woke up hearing it replay. I took my phone, on airplane mode, and set the app and laid down to sleep.
My phone alarm went off at 7:30. When I checked on the app, it was not activated. Apparently there was an extra screen to tap through after tapping 'start'. I brushed, and swished and sewed some patches. It was too cold outside to sit and cull berries, so I skipped that. I started preparing bread. Then I turned on the router and laptop. I played the next episode while I finished filling the bread machine and ate some nuts. I took notes when I could, but there wasn't time to finish.

HRB analysis can be done from one drop of blood magnified 65,000x. You can see even inside the cell. Fix whatever is going wrong and correct cellular imbalances. This prevents cancer or helps body fight it. Budwig diet has flax oil which oxygenates the blood, mixed with cottage cheese to prevent gastric distress.
It helps to walk barefoot on the ground in the sunshine. It takes both detoxification and good nutrition to fight cancer. Gc-MAF reduces nagalase which cancer produces to inhibit macrophages. High nagalase indicates suppressed immune system. There was a Gc-MAF clinic in Europe but their version of the FDA came in with guns and took all their product and seized their bank accounts. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are a good intervention for so many conditions. It directly oxygenates the blood. There are 4 billion photonic flashlights in one crosssection of DNA. Machine called Ultraviolet light Rx puts several wavelengths of UV light in a vein which activates the immune system and increases oxygen saturation. Epidemiological studies show that you reduce all cancers by 50% just by having adequate vitamin D levels. Most sunscreens increase cancer because they filter the UVB which makes Vit D and let UVA through. Sunlight accumulates in greens and fruits. Chlorophyll activates the Krebs cycle and gives us energy. Chlorophyll is the same molecule as hemoglobin except it has magnesium at the center instead of iron. Living Fuel is a super-meal you can drink, developed by Craichy for his wife when she got sick.
Smirnov studied the people who DIDN'T get cancer at Chernobyl. Something in the structure of the water was superhydrating the cells so they performed optimally. He developed Molecular Resonance Effect Technology. Mice treated with MRET water lived 70% longer than control group. Smirnov is growing extra large limes by watering the tree with MRET water. Molecular hydrogen combines with free radicals to produce water in the cells. MRET device for cell phones masks the radiation frequency with low nature frequencies.
One minute of laughter will boost your immune system significantly for 24 hours. Stress is a killer and music is a healer – more so if you play or sing it yourself. Ask your oncologist what are the chances your treatment will cure you? To get a patent, pharmaceutical companies have to make new (synthetic) drugs, which the body treats as toxins. If the body can't detoxify, it dies. Hippocratic Oath – “above all, do no harm”, also “I will not give a deadly poison.”

I paused the episode to get dressed for quilting. But it was so cold that I went back inside and dressed more warmly. Then I went to quilting. I showed off two quilt tops. Beverly W showed me the bitty Halloween mondo bag that she made. Beverly C set up her machine to work on making handles. I secretly showed several people the barn block for Jane. Robin said I had to sign my name to it.
It was raining, so Beverly and I did not go walking. I decided I didn't even want to get kimbap. I went home and made breakfast. I took notes on the rest of the video. Then I got ready for counting money.
I went to church in the driving rain. Pastor told me that Don wanted me to know he was ok. Don had a mini-stroke and was not in church on Sunday. I put the offering envelops in order, then opened them and recorded the amounts on paper. There were a number of odd things. I had to call several people to clear most of it up. One person put a $100 bill in an unmarked envelop. I didn't have my fingerprint kit, so whoever it was did not get credit.
Then I put on my wi-fi smock and sat down to enter the data on the computer. The pastor saw my smock and wanted to feel the fabric. Then he left. I finished my job, and printed the reports. Afterward, I went to the sanctuary to practice singing the liturgical chant. It was ok, but I don't think I am ready to volunteer.
I took the money to the bank and deposited it. Then I went home and got the mail. Chris was already there. I made lots of salad and ate it. All too soon it was time to leave again. And it was still raining. I took my bag of quilt tops with me to the meeting of the modern quilt guild.
I got there right on time. I handed in the quilt backing. During the meeting, I showed off my wi-fi smock, quilt tops and barn block. Then they had some drawings and I won a bag of quilt-related things – books, patterns, fabric, thread, notepad, etc. I took lots of pics of things other people made.
When the meeting was over, I signed the banner and went home. I started reading e-mail. Chris queued up Netflix before 8. We watched two episodes of DS9. We collected the trash and Chris took it to the curb. He made his lunch and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and complete the evening list. I plan to listen to Holosync again and use the sleep app at the same time.
* So this is the arrangement I chose. Sorry, Faye. *

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