Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Not in a class by myself

I did not sleep well last night. I woke several times and again when Chris got up. Then I remembered I hadn't drunk my kava and valerian root tea. Sigh. So many little things to remember.
I got up at 7:15. I brushed, and then swished while taking a shower. I sewed two patches together. I turned on the router. I played a podcast while reading e-mail. But eventually I had to pause it. I got dressed, found some pieces of fabric to simulate lining, but on a smaller scale. I had some sample blocks and fusible interfacing for class. I took all the usual sewing gear as well. I hopped in the car and went to quilting.
I arrived at 8:50 which is unheard of for me. But I expected the class to start at 9. I laid out the materials for class. Ladies came in, but they were prepared to do other things. Then Beverly W arrived with her machine. She set up at a table. She had her blocks done, plus had bearpaw blocks, too. I used the bearpaw blocks to show the rows, and got her started sewing her log cabin blocks together. Susan was there to give advice as well, and I was afraid we were hovering. But Beverly wanted us to stay around. Then Beverly C arrived. She had strips cut for her blocks, but they were not sewn, so she worked on that. Beverly W got her bag and the lining fused and sewn. Then she started making the handles. Everybody else left around 11. But we stayed till almost noon and then packed up.
Beverly C and I went to the parking lot to go to our cars. There was an older lady walking kind of funny and looking down. I was a little concerned, but when I asked, she said she was looking for her hearing aid which she lost on Sunday. Best of luck to her. I didn't see it.
I went to the Asian store for kimbap. Still no pickled garlic. I took it home and ate it with kimchi. I ate some dates as well, while I listened to the rest of the podcast. No notes. Then I took my offering folder and drove to church.
I was alone at first. I put the envelops in order and started recording the contents on paper. The pastor came in for a bit. I had seen his retirement message to the congregation and I told him we would miss him. He said he would miss all of us, too. After some conversation, he went off to do pastor stuff and I went back to counting money. And recording money. And entering it on the computer. And printing out reports. Finally I took it to the bank and deposited it. Then I went home. No more Tuesday farmer's market.
Chris was home already. I checked the mail and there was none. I asked him to help me harvest more sumac. So in a while, he changed his clothes and we walked past the chapel to where the sumac grows. We were able to fill a grocery bag with the red plumes. On the way home, he stopped to stand at attention as the trumpet played Retreat at 5. The mail truck was just making its rounds.
When I got home, I had to decide whether to eat breakfast or supper. I decided on salad and pork. I listened to podcasts while playing Solitaire and eating. Around 7, I left the laptop and went to my sewing area. I found a template for a tunic neckline. I used it to cut a piece of stabilizer. Sadly, I had to read the directions for making the neckline. There was a time when I knew such things inside and out. I fused the stabilizer to a piece of flannel. I pinned it to Argenmesh Shielding fabric. I sewed and cut and topstitched. And then I put it on over my head and took a selfie. I wore my wi-fi smock while sitting at the laptop and reading e-mail. Then when Chris was ready, I watched DS9 with it on. Sadly, it could not stay on the whole time because I got a hot flash. But I am hoping it will help me with the new 5g signal that showed up a few days ago.
Chris made his lunch and went to bed. I stayed up to swish and blog. I made sure to drink my tea and take my magnesium and the calc-phos and the ozone cream. What am I forgetting?

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