Thursday, October 25, 2018

Level up!

I stayed in bed a little later than the phone alarm. I looked at the sleep app graph but did not know what to do with the information. I got started on my morning routine. It included sewing part of the bottom into teacup. Then I turned on the router. While it booted up, I boiled water to soak nuts for tomorrow. I made two cups of tea: kava and ginger. I held the hot cup of ginger tea against my mole for a minute or two. I had read that moles were caused by viruses and heat kills viruses, so I heated the mole. I deleted the first round of e-mail. I made and ate breakfast while tapping. A man came to spray the wasps. I led him out back to the nests, then went inside while he sprayed. After he left, I finished breakfast. I put on an interview and ironed 3 pieces of fabric while it played.
It was getting late. I got dressed, and threw some small projects into my cart. I rolled my cart to the car. I went to quilting. Pat introduced her co-chair for the guild library, Charlene. We talked for some time. Then Leanne arrived. She and I talked, too, and I sewed up some half square triangles for the modern quilt guild. I pulled out some squares from a Tuesday project to work on next. But Christy got a call and had to leave, so we all packed up and left. It was starting to rain. I went home. I read e-mail. I soaked some broccoli seeds in water. I made salad, adding part of a huge garlic clove. I couldn't even eat the whole half I cut up. I put on an audio and Ironed the rest of the fabric. Chris came home from work. Nothing new to report.
I filled out a Neilsen survey. It was very long and not worth the dollar that came with it. For one question I had to add up my internet purchases for a year. Good thing I like numbers.
I ate some blueberries as I read e-mail. I heated water to make sumac tea. I put the next Holosync level on my mp3 headphones. I started listening to an undetermined length audio. I paused it before 7 to move my laptop to the guest room. I activated Skype and then my tapping buddy called. We chatted, then got to work on her issue. It was not long after 8 when she wanted to conclude the session. Then I moved my laptop back to the dining room. I heated my kava tea and brushed and swished. I drank my tea while watching two episodes of DS9. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and finish the audio.
* Bertha made this tablerunner, probably to go with Mrs. Claus. *

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