Friday, October 12, 2018

Making arrangements

I got up at 8:10. I brushed and swished. I shucked berries on the front porch. I put red thread on my machine and sewed the barn down. I turned on the router. Then I put a quart of filtered water in a glass pitcher and put a quarter cup of sumac berries in it. I tried to access e-mail but the laptop would not find the signal. It found everyone else's signal, including a 5G. I put on my wi-fi smock. I put the laptop back to sleep several times and then rebooted it. All to no avail. Then I turned the router off and on. I boiled water for tea. Then the laptop found our router.
I watched part of episode 3 of The Truth About Cancer while eating breakfast.
A long list of things like curcumin and resveratrol kill cancer stem cells and made normal cells stronger. They found an association between cancer and inflammation. If you stop the inflammation, you stop the cancer from ever forming. Juicing wheatgrass is good. 5 day juice fast made one lady expel a tumor. ESSIAC tea, a blend of herbs given to a Canadian nurse by an Indian medicine man. Cases of cancer were cured by drinking it. With pressure from Bayer, in 1963, the German govt passed The Codex Alimentarius Commission to limit access to the benefits of nutritional supplements worldwide. Roundup kills good bacteria and leads to proliferation of bad bacteria, leaky gut, and inflammation too. Glyphosate was originally licensed as a mineral chelator. It sucks magnesium (among other things) so supplementing with magnesium helps.

I got dressed and went to Huntsville SewNvac where several ladies were quilting. They were surprised to see me. I brought cut up blocks to work on. But I spent more time helping Rebecca choose colors for borders for a panel to make a crib quilt for a grandson. When she went to lunch, I got all my blocks trimmed up and put on the design wall. I also pulled another fabric for her panel. When she got back, I alternated helping her audition border fabrics and sewing together blocks from the wall. I suggested a piano key border and she agreed, then tried to figure out how much fabric she needed. When she decided and went to buy the amounts of fabric, I got my block sewn into three columns. I did not want to finish it so there would be something left to work on on Monday. When she got back, I packed up and headed home. Even though I left at 4, traffic wasn't bad and I was home by 4:31, just behind Chris.
I went to check the mail and he rolled my sewing cart inside. There was a package of mimosa pudica seed. We talked for a bit and I made a big salad for supper. I moved some Holosync music to my tablet for use tonight. I finished Episode 3 and read e-mail. Chris played with the voices so we did not watch TV. I sat in the living room and finished reading a book. Then I looked at supplements on Swanson and Amazon. I forwarded something to my tapping buddy. I made a list of all the things I could do to induce sleep and put a check mark by each thing as I did it. There were also evening doses of supplements on the list. Then I typed up my blog so I could go to bed and listen to my latest Holosync level.
* Which arrangement do you prefer? *

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