Sunday, October 21, 2018

Yes, I have a dinosaur...

Last night I set the sleep app and listened to Holosync on the mp3 headphones. When Holosync ended, I turned off the headphones and went to sleep. The app sounded at 7:20, but I was already awake. Then the phone alarm rang at 7:30. I shut it off and snuggled with Chris for a little bit then got up for my morning routine. I quilted a corner of the panel project, then brushed and swished. Chris had the router on already. I read e-mail and watched a video. I forget what it was about.
When it ended, I took a shower, and got dressed. I put on a jacket and went to church. The car said it was 47 degrees. I warmed up with the choir, then got a bulletin and sat in my pew. Don did not come.
Our service started with the pastor singing, then Jennifer joined it, then Julie, then all the men and finally all the women. Jennifer indicated to the congregation that they should start singing, but some already had. It was like a flash mob. The pastor went directly into the service, and saved the announcements for when the choir usually sings. Several choir members were on their way forward when he started. We sang after he finished. The rest of the service was as usual. Afterward, I talked to Cecelia who had been gone for two weeks. Then the pastor gave me a stuffed dinosaur to sew up for his grandson. Jeanne gave me a hardanger fish to put on the banner that I haven't worked on in months. No more excuses now.
Finally, I joined a small group in the fellowship hall for the pre-budget talk. When I saw who was there, I realized it wasn't going to be quick. But maybe it will save time at the regular congregational meeting in November. Several people asked me why I was carrying a dinosaur. One of the topics was an offer by Verizon to rent 64 square feet of our property for a cell tower. I made a few remarks on the subject.
After the meeting, I went home. Chris asked me why I had a dinosaur. I changed my clothes and ate some seed crackers and miso. Then we went to Publix for groceries. When we got home, we put them away. Chris cooked rice and hard boiled some eggs. I made and ate breakfast, and put away laundry. Chris ran the dishwasher. I read e-mail and listened to interviews all afternoon. Then I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I discovered a good patch of poke weed and another one of dandelion. Chris cooked a ham steak while I was gone. I ate some of that, and it was quite tasty. I also had some hummus with sliced raw garlic.
Later we watched two episodes of DS9 and looked up one of the characters. Then Chris made his sandwich while I typed up my blog entry. And now I'm ready for bed.

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