Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Korean advice

I got up not long after both the sleep app sounded and the phone alarm. For my sewing resolution, I cut a circle of red and did a running stitch around the edge so I could gather it around a circle of cardboard. I also did a flowered circle. I pressed them with the iron and left them to cool. I put on several meditation pieces until I found the right one. I took some niacin and did my exercises. I made coffee and tapped a lot. I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms. I vacuumed the bedroom and part of the guest room. I threw the coffee grounds on the flower beds. I started whittling down a pile of clutter in the entrance. I found 5 pieces of fabric that needed shrinking. So I soaked them in hot water. The dye ran. I rinsed them several times and put them in the laundry room until I could get back to them.
I turned on the router and deleted a few e-mail. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I went to the Korean clinic. She wanted me to help her renew her massage license. Luckily, it could be done online. Then he wanted me to get him registered with an agency that files patient insurance. I was able to make a phone call and get that straight. Then she wanted me to submit my info so they could test the form. But I was afraid it might be construed as insurance fraud. The e-mail from the company talked about training and Dr. Lee wanted me to take it and pass the info to him. I really didn't want to, but said I would see how much time it would take. She gave me a bag of dried jujubes and said to eat 5 a day for energy. He said for sleep, I should soak my feet in warm water and put a cold compress on my forehead before going to bed. She said she would remove my mole by moxibustion next week, if I could stand the discomfort.
Patients were coming in, so I left. I went home and brought in the mail. There was a Halloween card from Rebecca. Chris came home with the pants that the tailor had replaced some kind of hook. He said he had ordered ties and wondered if I could make them better and cheaper.
I tried to catch up on e-mail. I called Dad. It was the third day in a row, but today he answered. His conversation was slow. He talked about falling and having a rash. I suggested he see a doctor. After the call, I looked up the side effects of his newest med and it was all there.
I was both hungry and cold. So I heated water and added it to a package of bone broth. The temp was just right and the broth was spiced nicely. It warmed me up a little. But not enough for what came next.
I had to leave early for choir practice. I wore a jacket and a fleece scarf, but I was still cold. Cecelia came to choir and it was good to have her back. I had my tablet, too, and used it on the last song to keep pitch. We practiced enough for the next two Sundays since next Wednesday is Halloween. After practice, Jennifer and I talked about supplements and summits.
It was almost 9 when I got home. Chris had DS9 cued up. I brushed my teeth and swished while we watched. I also drank my kava tea. Afterward, we went to bed, but I had to get back up to write up my blog post so I don't forget again. I guess he'll make his sandwich in the morning.
* Bertha made this with her embroidery machine. That's a lotta thread. *

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