Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Second day of bag class

I got up at 7:34, which was interesting because I did not hear my alarm ring at 7:30. I brushed, swished, and sewed two pairs of squares together. I drank some water, and took a shower. I checked e-mail and then got dressed, and went to quilting.
I did not bring my machine. I sewed on Jane's quilt binding while helping Beverly and Beverly work on their log cabin mondo bags. Beverly W. completed her handles and sewed in the lining, nearly finished but for the topstitching. It looked really good. The other one reached the lining stage. I gave them each a piece of red board fabric for the barn blocks that Jane doesn't know about.
Then I went to the Asian store for kimbap. She said the pickled garlic would come on Thursday. I went home. I saw the recycling truck going around the circle, so I put out the recyclables. I watered the plants. I gathered things for taking to church. I ate the kimbap with kimchi while reading e-mail.
I headed to church, and stopped at the gas station on post to fill the tank. When I got to church, I did all the usual: counted the offering, entered the numbers on the computer, and printed the reports. I wore my wi-fi smock while sitting in front of the computer and router. I gave my EMF catalog to the pastor for his wife, although he seemed pretty interested in it himself. I played some pieces on the church piano. It was probably best that no one was there to hear it. Then I went to the bank and deposited the money.
When I got home, I checked the mail. One piece was for the couple next door. I went over there to deliver it. There were three parcels on the porch, all part of my last Amazon order: book pockets, books, and a shower filter. I opened the parcels and took the items out. I tried to wake up my laptop, but it wouldn't cooperate so I turned to the desktop. When Chris came home, he rebooted my laptop.
I made breakfast and ate it while listening to a podcast with Tony Robbins. I was also going to eat a salad, but I just didn't have room for it. I paused the podcast when Cecily called to see if I wanted a brochure she had on the tapestries of Ferns Castle in Ireland. When the call was over, I took my purse and headed to church for the stewardship meeting.
I went the long way. I thought it would be faster, but I got in the left lane to pass a slow car and was not able to get back to the right lane to make the turn. So I went a longer way. Still I arrived in time to drop off the bank bag and make the meeting. There was only Ron, the pastor and myself. So it went pretty quickly. In fact, I was home by 8.
Chris was almost ready. Soon he signed into Netflix and brought up DS9. We watched two episodes. I rubbed my head with a piece of onion like the doctor said. I swished with walnut hull tincture. I swallowed some mimosa pudica. I took supplements designed to help me sleep. I wrote up my blog post for today. And then it was time for bed. Whether I could fall asleep or not, was another matter.
* This is Beverly and her beautiful bag. *

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