Thursday, October 18, 2018

No IV for me

I woke up this morning while Chris was eating breakfast. I got up to use the bathroom and then tried to go back to sleep. I wondered how the sleep app would register my absence. Then Chris took his shower and I supposed that sound must have registered as well. I was having trouble getting back to sleep so I decided to use the time wisely. I covered myself with the PEMF heating pad. Did I mention that it was a little chilly this morning? So, after a bit, I did fall asleep but then the app woke me, at 7:27. I shut it off, laid the heating pad aside. But then the phone alarm went off. I shut THAT off and took some magnesium and went back to bed. I woke again at 8:30 and got up.
I followed my normal morning routine (albeit an hour later): I scraped my tongue, drank a cup of water, brushed, and then swished while sewing two patches together. Then I turned on the router and drank the rest of the quart of water while reading e-mail.
I listened to some interviews and took notes here and there. They are at the end of this post. I made and ate breakfast. I gathered some things and rolled my sewing cart to the car. I had my mp3 headphones around my neck. My neighbor was just getting home so we spoke for a few minutes. Then I went to quilting.
When I got there, I handed invoices to Pat. I set up my machine, then took a moment to talk to Leanne. We talked for some time, actually. When I was about to sew, I noticed that Christy was packing up. So, we all packed up and left.
The plan was to sew until 3, then go to the wellness clinic for the IV cocktail. But we packed up an hour early. So Leanne suggested going to Patches and Stitches. I had forgotten my watch so she kept track of the time. We wandered through the store looking at fabric and talking to the ladies. One mentioned that they had NASA fabric so I bought some.
Then Leanne took me back to my car. I drove to the Alison Wellness Clinic, arriving a little early. A lady gave me papers to fill out. I was expecting a long health questionnaire but it was much simpler than that. But I didn't even get to finish it. I was filling out the order form and had a question. I wanted a Meyer's cocktail with extra vitamin C. I was wondering if a glutathione add-on would be effective. So the lady at the front desk called a nurse. The nurse took me in the back to show me their newest options for intravenous nutrition. Well, the subject of supplements came up. I showed her the list I am taking. She and the other nurse said it was way too much and that more IV nutrition might be harmful. All they would let me have was the hydration part. It was recommended to me that I stop all supplements for a week and get lab tests done to see what I needed. So I went out to the front desk to schedule the labs. The secretary looked up some of the supplements on my page. Many they had not heard of. When they asked me what each one was for, I could not always remember. I agreed to go off of most supplements and have the lab tests next Friday.
Finally I went home. Chris told me he got a second interview for the job at Fort Rucker. I made salad for supper and filled out a health questionnaire. I listened to interviews. One was called “How to make your yard a secret pharmacy”. It was interesting.
I paused the video to move my laptop to the guest room. My tapping buddy called me and we tapped for over an hour on clutter. When we were done, I checked the dining room table. Clutter was still there. Ha. Chris had Netflix ready to go. I made tea and brushed my teeth. We watched two episodes of DS9. I put Chris to bed and then wrote up my blog post for today.
* This is the guild banner. That's one good-looking "G" *

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