Sunday, October 14, 2018

Whole Foods is still pricier

I got up at 7:45. I brushed and swished and sewed a 4-patch. I helped Chris with something. I took a shower and dressed for church. I got to spend a little time on e-mail before I left the house.
When I got to church, I used the restroom before assembling for the choir warm-up. We went through the piece several times. Then I stood and talked to Jim and Barbara for awhile. I went to the restroom again in case church went long. I passed Ron and spoke to him until I saw the pastor doing announcements. I slipped into the sanctuary and took my seat. Don was not there.
The pastor made announcements then introduced the guest pastor. During the sermon time, the guest pastor spoke about the needs of his organization and all the good they do. There was a special envelop in the bulletin for donations. I don't like tear-jerker stories, but I kept the envelop for later. After the service, I hung around to speak to Jennifer about getting a Meyer's cocktail and to Tim about the health of his son.
Then I went home and changed clothes. We shopped at Whole Foods since Chris had heard that they lowered their prices when Amazon bought them. But he was not impressed with the prices.
When I got home, I made breakfast and sat down to listen to the next episode. But Chris was so angry with his failed attempts to sign into Netflix that I moved my laptop and breakfast to the guest room. I took the following notes:

Nerve impingement in the spine causes the body to be in constant flight-or-flight mode. Hippocrates said “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”. Most dentists don't clean up tooth sockets correctly and leave infection in the bone. Then my holistic dentist was on, talking about root canals, mercury in fillings, and dangers of fluoride. Chronic inflammation leads to cancer and the inflammation usually starts in the mouth. Mercury affects every system of the body even in minute amounts. Fluoride is a neuroexcitotoxin. Virtually all patients are deficient in iodine. HPV vaccine gives false sense of security to young women. Vaccines have not been tested for toxicity. Vaccine schedule has never been tested. This constitutes medical experimentation. UK paid $90M to parents of children damaged by swine flu vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce certain antibodies, so it makes no sense to vaccinate infants who haven't developed their immune system yet. Vaccinology has not improved since it was begun in the early 1900's.
Releasing emotional trauma helps dissolve cancer. Oncologists put fear into their patients by telling them they have a short time to live and must immediately submit to chemo and radiation. This is opposite of what patients need. It is in their financial interest for you to say yes to their treatments.

After the episode was over, I listened to other podcasts – too many summits! I ate most of a papaya and saved the seeds. I plugged my phone and the extra battery in to charge. Chris cooked steak for me. I poured hot water over some mimosa pudica seeds and then spread them out to dry. I went for a 45 minute walk and then watered the flowers. When I came in, the steak was ready. But I made and ate a salad first. I cleared more e-mail. I downloaded a sleep app on my phone. I cut out a small quilt block printed on fabric and handsewed it to the barn block to be a barn star.
When I finished, Chris had Netflix cued up. We watched two episodes, but the second one was double length, being the premier of season 4. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to complete my evening list and post to my blog.
* This is one of the deer we saw at Tombigbee State Park. *

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