Friday, October 19, 2018

First day of no supplements

The app rang at 7:20 but I had been awake since 6:30. I had not slept well so tried to get a little more sleep. Alas, it was not to be. I got up and did the usual first thing in the morning stuff. But then, instead of reading e-mail, I started clearing clutter. I organized some papers. Some went to recycling and some to the shredder. I cleared a bunch of stuff from my sewing table, leaving only three projects. I discovered that my barn block was too small. So I experimented with ways to make it bigger, but did not like any of them. In the process, I pulled out more fabric, but most of it went back where it came from. I also ironed some pieces and some batting for another project. It was good to see some space on my sewing table.
Around 11 I turned on my laptop. I boiled water for soaking nuts. I started listening to a podcast on edible wild plants. If you eat an entire dandelion plant (flower, stems and root), it is a complete protein. Purslane has omega3 and host of other stuff. Plantains have magnesium and are antibacterial, can be used for wounds. Lamb's quarters is more nutritious than spinach. Chickweed is a nutritious, good-tasting herb.
I read e-mail for awhile, and listened to more podcasts while making and eating breakfast. Then I worked on a panel project. I sandwiched it and sewed on binding, which took most of the afternoon. I took a break to eat the last piece of steak. That's when Chris came home. He brought me a package from Swansons. It was ironic that the day I start giving up supplements, I get a new package of them.
It was after 4:30. I found some boxes and took them next door along with a bottle of sumac tea. I visited with my neighbor for awhile. Her dogs wanted to go for a walk, so she said she needed 20 minutes to get ready. I came home and watered my plants. I also picked dandelion for supper later. I met her outside.
We walked around the neighborhood slowly, letting the dogs sniff this and that. When we got back, we each went home. I made a lot of salad in the usual manner. I ate it while reading e-mail. Then I went back to the panel project to whipstitch the binding. Chris cued up Netflix and we watched two episodes of DS9. Then I sat down to write up my blog and get ready for bed.
* This quilt was shown at the modern quilt guild meeting. *

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