Monday, October 8, 2018

Not another tick!

Even though I turned off the water to the hotel toilet and the AC, I still had a hard time sleeping and staying asleep. So I stayed in bed well after my alarm went off. So did Chris, until he got ideas. Then we got up. He took a shower and went downstairs for coffee, since breakfast was over. I ate breakfast in the room. He ate my leftovers from last night, plus some of the carrots and oranges that we brought along.
I read the e-mail that did not contain pics or video because the wi-fi was really slow. I gave up and started packing. Chris carried stuff down to the car. When the room was clear, we checked out at the front desk. Chris programmed the GPS for home and then we were on our way.
Along the way we talked about this and that. At some point around Decatur, his low fuel alarm sounded. I thought he would stop at the next station, but he continued to the arsenal and used the gas station there. I filled out the book in the glove compartment. Then we went home.
We emptied the car. Chris started a load of laundry. I watered the plants out front. Then we went to the Wal-mart neighborhood store. We found most of the stuff on our list, but not everything. We decided that only Publix has everything we are used to getting.
When we got home, we put the food away. I uncovered the carrot seedlings. They were alive, but looking a little moldy. I made a cup of kava and valerian tea for later. I washed the baby carrots and separated out the bad ones. I unpacked the food box. I ate seed crackers with some white miso.
Finally I checked e-mail. Ah, what lovely internet access we have! After a bit, I took a break to practice driving Chris' car, with him in it, so I wouldn't forget how. Use it or lose it, I guess. When we got back, I printed labels for the books Pat wants to take to the guild board meeting tonight. I called her to say they were ready. She suggested I print out an invoice as well. So I did that. There were three books on the invoice, so I printed another label for the third book, then realized we are out of book pockets. Oh well.
I read e-mail until the doorbell rang. It was Pat, here to pick up the books. I gave her the books and invoice. She mentioned that she wasn't able to print the agenda. So I invited her in to use the desktop. She signed into her e-mail and a preview of the agenda came up. We could not print it from the preview, but I downloaded it and then printed it easily. She thanked me and headed to her meeting.
I saw the sun getting low so I went for a walk. I came back with two magnolia berries and a yellow wildflower. My previous yellow wildflower had died, so I pulled it out of the pot, loosened up the dirt, and planted the new one. Then I turned on the hose and watered everything.
Still trying to catch up on e-mail, I listened to a documentary while making a big salad. It was about children in Argentina born with birth defects to tobacco farmers. I used the hemp oil I got at Walmart. I paused the audio, when Chris was ready to watch TV.
We watched two episodes of DS9. During the second one, I felt a lump at the top of my inner thigh. Chris checked it out and said it was a tick. The tick was tiny compared to the lump it was attached to. I wondered how long it could have been there. Chris put coconut oil on it. We finished the second episode. Then Chris got a needle and picked the tick out. It was still alive. Then we checked each other for more ticks but did not find anything. He pulled clean sheets out of the dryer and we dressed the bed. He made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to swish and blog and listen to another podcast. When I put ozone cream on the tick site later, the lump was almost gone. And I went to bed.
* This is from Tombigbee State Park.

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