Sunday, October 28, 2018

Picking poke

I turned off the app and the alarm and stayed in bed until 8. Chris said I was yelling for help in the middle of the night. I kind of remember dreaming that a man locked me in a room and threatened me.
I brushed and swished and took a shower. I put on my red dress for Reformation Sunday. Then I sewed two seams and turned on my laptop. I set my phone and mp3 headphones to recharge.
At 9am I left for church. I got there just as the choir was assembling. We went through our song for today and then the song for next Sunday. We won't have choir practice this week because of Halloween. I talked to several people in the vestibule, mostly the pastor's wife. As the organ played, we went into the sanctuary.
The service started with announcements. Then all the usual parts, except we had a different reading for the creed. Just before the benediction, the pastor said the table blessing. So afterward, everyone to go to the fellowship hall for lunch. I stayed to listen to the organ. We had a supply organist and she was really good. I also talked to a few people on the way to the fellowship hall. I sat across from Doris and had a good time talking to her and to Cecelia. There were Octoberfest decorations hung around. I skipped the brauts, but took some sauerkraut and beets and potatoes.
After the meal, I drove home. I barely missed the traffic from the three big churches on Airport Road. When I got home, I changed clothes. I put all the styrofoam recycling into a bag and we went to Publix. I dropped off the bag in the labeled box and then we shopped. On the way out of the store, the figs fell out of their bag and rolled. I was behind Chris and scooped them up. I handed him the package and he put them in a different bag. But in the parking lot, they rolled out again. I guess they didn't want to go to our house.
When we got home, we put food away. Chris had cooked a beef heart while I was in church. I put some in a bowl for lunch (second lunch?) I read e-mail for a bit.
It was such a beautiful day that I texted an invitation to Julia to pick pokeweed with me. While I was waiting to hear back, I called Faye, who I thought was out walking with Dad. But they were at his house. The subject of holiday plans came up and I couldn't find e-mail from Kurt with his schedule. So I hung up to check my texts. I couldn't find a text from Kurt. Julia said she couldn't go.
I took a bag and went to pick pokeweed by the fence of the space center. But someone had mowed back there and I didn't get much. I did find some nice plaintain further back. On the way back, I discovered someone had thrown out some plants by the pile of wood chips. I plucked a flower from the discard pile.
When I got home, I put the flower in water. I listened to an audio on what to do at the first sign of a cold: get some rest, bundle up and sweat, take elderberry every hour, use echinacea for the onset only. Goldenseal is good for fungal infections, but not so much for colds. Spices are good: garlic, cayenne, ginger, fire cider.
I washed and boiled the poke leaves twice. While they were was boiling, I cooked mushrooms, garlic and an egg in butter. Then I added the leaves and cooked it just a little longer. I added some seasonings and ate it while reading e-mail. Then I heated some tea. I brushed and swished. Chris and I got in an argument. But it turned out all right. We watched two episodes of DS9. He made his sandwich and I took my evening supplements. I listened to a bunch of ASMR videos all at once while I typed up my blog.
* I may rescue the geranium plant tomorrow. *

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