Monday, October 15, 2018

How did I sleep?

Last night I sat in the recliner and used headphones connected to the desktop to listen to Holosync Purrification 3. I hoped to fall asleep, but the longer I sat there, the less comfortable I was. When it ended, I went to bed with my phone. I had it on airplane mode and connected to a spare battery for extra charge. The sleep app was queued up and ready to go. I set it on the head of the bed, and tried to go to sleep.
My sleep app woke me at 7:27. I was already kind of awake. I put on my glasses to read the screen. It recorded 4 minutes of snoring. I wanted to listen to see if that was Chris, but it told me I needed the paid version for that.
I brushed and swished and sewed a pair of patches together. I sat outside and harvested berries in the early sun. I turned on the router and read e-mail. I called Alison Wellness Clinic, asked a few questions, and signed up for a Meyer's cocktail with add-on vitamin C. They gave me an appointment for Thursday afternoon. I was both excited and nervous.
While making and then eating breakfast, I listened to the next episode of The Truth about Cancer:
A doctor talked about the Importance of detoxing in the right order: start with the colon, then the liver. Juicing cleanses the liver. Third, detox the kidneys. Fourth, the lymph system. Rebounding is recommended. Lymph gets more solid the cooler it gets, so warm up the body to get it flowing. The efficiency of the lymph system is affected by bras and antiperspirant. 5. Parasite cleanse – wormwood, walnut hull, wormseed, epazote, clove, kamala, bromelain, diatomaceous earth etc. 6. heavy metal cleansing,
For cancer patients, drinking Ensure is like pouring fuel on a fire. Dr Buttar's 5 steps: step 1 is detoxification. Step 2 is physiological optimization. Step 3 is immune modulation. Step 4 is target acquisition: vaccine called AARSOTA, and/or hyperthermia, and/or inject dendritic cells made from patient's own white blood cells to go throughout the body looking for abnormal cells (clinic in Germany). Mushroom cordyceps increases available oxygen in blood which cancer cells don't like. Beta glucans keeps white cell count up even during chemo. These trigger the antioxidant response: resveratrol, sulforaphane, curcumin, catechins. Astragulus increases natural killer cells which go after cancer and viral cells. The sulfur in garlic triggers the excretion of a lot of toxic chemicals. Chemotherapy knocks out the bacteria in the gut, then patients have malabsorption. Sauerkraut is good to replace probiotics. Myrrh helps with side effects of chemo.

After breakfast, I put nicer clothes on. I wheeled my sewing cart to the car, loaded it, and went to quilting. Three ladies were having lunch and the others were sewing. I asked Rebecca to take a pic of my phone screen and send it to me. The ladies found the idea of a phone app to track sleep mildly interesting.
I ironed the three panels from Friday and joined them together. Everyone liked the result. I ironed the quilt top from Thursday a week ago. And I cut satin to make pillowcases. Rebecca cut strips for the panel project she was designing on Friday. She gave me all the leftover pieces. Fresh scraps- mmmmm.
Leona helped me pin a pillowcase band so it would turn inside out. She stayed to see the magic happen. Marianne was impressed and wanted the instructions. Leona and Cyndi left and I packed up because it was after three.
When I got home, I checked the mail. There was something for Chris and a pamphlet on Ferns Castle tapestries from Cecily. I finished listening to some audios. I ate some steak, and some beef heart. I continued to read e-mail. I ate my daily dose of nuts. Then I made lots of salad.
After eating, I went for a walk. The temp was dropping so I kept it short – about 15 minutes. When I got back, I looked for fabric for a challenge project which is due tomorrow night. But instead, I ground up the mimosa pudica seeds and filled capsules. It was not easy and did not make many doses. Then I made hummus with the chickpeas Chris cooked for me.
I cleared some more e-mail, then brushed and swished. We watched two episodes of DS9 together. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog and get the recyclables together.

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