Saturday, October 27, 2018

Fire cider is ready!

My alarm went off at 7:30. I rolled over and snuggled with Chris. Saturday is the only day that he isn't running to work and I'm not running to church. I am not sure exactly when we got up. For the sewing part of my morning routine, I sewed some pairs into a four-patch. I threaded two serger thread chains through their seams. Chris had the router on by then so I drank some water and turned on my laptop.
I got dressed and grabbed my purse. It was the last official yard sale Saturday of the year. Housing said there were some on the street around the corner. So I walked to a yard sale. I had a good time chatting with the folks there. Then I looked over the items for sale. I paid for an unassembled shelving unit and a plastic crate. Then I walked to another yard sale. I had a good time chatting with them as well. She did not have much, but I bought four big covered tubs for $1 each. As I was walking home to get my car, I realized they would not all fit in at once. I reached my car and drove back to the first one. A man there helped put the shelving unit in my trunk. Then I went to the second place. Luckily, the units stacked inside each other and were able to fit in the back and front seats. There wasn't much room to drive, but I did not have to go far. I squeezed it all into the garage.
I decanted the fire cider, wearing plastic gloves. I threw the strained parts into the trash, and poured the liquid through a finer strainer into a jar. I washed implements, and discarded the gloves.
Then Chris gave me a massage. I really needed one. Because he doesn't like massages, he doesn't realize how good they feel. Then he took a shower, and did laundry. I got dressed and made breakfast and read e-mail. I asked Chris to get the house mail, but there wasn't any. I worked on burying more serger threads. Beverly called. We talked for quite a while. Then, because it was suddenly sunny, I swept off the back porch as an excuse to be out there. When I came in, I sewed some pillowcase leftovers together. I put away stuff cluttering my sewing table.
One of the yard sale ladies had mentioned a Korean restaurant that I hadn't seen even though I pass the location every week. So Chris and I decided to try it out. About 5:30 we drove down Jordan to the small shopping center on Holmes. Indeed, there was a Korean restaurant, very low key. But inside it was fairly elegant. The bulgogi had been recommended, so Chris got that, and I ordered the squid. The food was outstanding, but the place was almost empty. I wished I had a way to increase their visibility.
When we got home, I laid out the communion banner project that I have been procrastinating on for many months. I removed the background and added the fish that Jeanne made. Then I listened to part of a video on prevention of colds and flu with herbs and teas. After that we watched two episodes of ChiPs, finishing the DVD. Then we dressed the bed in clean sheets. Chris got in, with a book. I went through the laundry basket, folding clothes until I found my pajamas. I put them on and sat in front of my laptop to write to my blog.
* Best kept Korean secret. *

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