Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Being helpful

I woke up at 6:53. I felt rested so I got up. I brushed and swished (twice) while sewing squares together. I turned on the router and queued up meditation music. I made coffee. I did my exercises, drybrushed and then meditated with Deepak. Between meditations, I brushed my hand against my face and the 'thing' partly ripped off. So I carefully pulled the last little bit. There was a bright red spot on my face. Blood wasn't dripping, but dabbing at it did produce a red spot on my tissue. I sprayed it and put a bandaid over it.
After the last meditation, I cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen. The red spot hadn't changed so I put some ozone cream on it and replaced the bandaid. I vacuumed the dining room thoroughly, including the undersides of chairs where cobwebs like to hide. I emptied the cup of the vacuum and got all dusty. So I put the shower cap over the left half of my face and took a shower. I could wash the right side of my hair but not the left. Then I got dressed.
I jotted a few notes to my blog and then went to see the Korean doctors.
I arrived at 2. Dr. Grace took off my bandaid. She could see the ozone cream on the spot. She was a little upset with me. I asked about putting alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide or even ice on it and she said no, nothing.
Dr. Lee showed me his monthly bill for trash removal. He said it was too high and that they had so little trash that they could take it home and dispose of it. But the company said that a 2 cu yard trash bin was the smallest they had. So I called the company to see about canceling the service. The lady said it would cost $1100 + a removal fee. I got them to agree to exchange it for a residential bin and to cut the fee in half.
A patient came in and they attended to her. I walked through the back rooms and checked out the back door, which I had seen flood months ago. I asked if I could go through the door and she came with me. I looked around outside but saw nothing, so supposed the flooding was from the rain spout being overfull. I sat at her desk and wrote a letter for her about the back door. Her husband wanted me to send it to his computer. So I had to save it, but all the choices were in Korean. So I called Chris to ask which hot key was SAVE AS. And then I figured out how to save and send it.
Then he mentioned his AtnT bill, so I took a look at that, plus several months previous. I noticed that they had been getting a $25 credit per month but it was gone on the last month. So I called ATTNT and got it reinstated. Then he wanted me to help him file insurance for a patient. So we sat down to do that, but there was too much I did not remember from last week. I was tired, cold and hungry. And it was getting dark. So they tabled it until next week. They gave me a box of jujube juice, and a bag of onions to take to Chris.
When I got home, I checked the mail. Then I took the food in the house and told Chris the story. He had brought in some of the plants. I read e-mail until almost time for choir practice. I checked the weather. Then I put on a long sleeved shirt and a coat and headed out.
We sang some new songs in choir practice, mostly ones I won't be there for. Then we sang the current one up front. I may have to practice it at home. The guy behind me couldn't find the notes. On the way home, I wondered if Dad was having trouble with notes too.
Chris had DS9 cued up when I got home. I drank my tea and brushed. Then we watched 2 episodes. He went to bed, leaving me instructions to take meat from the fridge and put it in the oven tomorrow before I leave for quilting. I stayed up to blog and send Dr. Grace 'before' pics of my mole.
* This is what's currently on my sewing table. *

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