Monday, November 5, 2018

The cat has returned

I got up at 7:30. I saw on my sleep app that the incidence of snoring was way down during the nights Chris was gone.
The sun was not streaming through the windows in the kitchen due to cloud cover. I brushed, swished, and satin-stitched around the brown part of the banner using paper to stabilize it. It worked out ok, but the fabric seemed a little wavy.
I turned on the router, and drank lemon water. I made tea for later and soaked nuts in hot water for tomorrow. I deleted some e-mail and watched the third episode of Transcendence. While it played, I dust-mopped the floor, then made and ate breakfast. When it ended, I took a shower with shower cap over my face to protect the 'thing' that isn't supposed to get wet. Then I got dressed for cool weather. I put everything back where it was before Chris left.
I packed some projects and went to quilting. I watched ladies eat lunch until someone left, then I took her seat. I had a bowl of chili myself, and it was delicious. Later, they sang Happy Birthday to all the ladies having birthdays this month. Then I watched them eat cake.
I set up my machine in the back. I took a pic of the quilt Dinah was working on. Then I worked on my don't-even-think-about-it quilt. Chris texted me from the airport and I texted back to call me when he got home. I hadn't heard from him by three, so I packed up after finishing the last seam. On the way to the car, the extra unused strips went flying in the wind. But I think I was able to round them all up.
When I got home, Chris was doing laundry and boiling eggs. When the eggs were done, we went to Publix for groceries. At the checkout counter, I saw Oprah smiling from a magazine and thought that she should be on my Healthy Teeth page. When we got back, I made and ate salad. I was too full to finish off the beef heart stew. Chris finished laundry. I checked e-mail. Beverly called to say we weren't having quilting tomorrow.
Chris wanted to start watching TV early so he could get to bed early. So we watched three episodes of Adam-12 and 1 episode of DS9. Then he went to bed. I stayed up to blog and collate recyclables.
* My don't-even-think-about-it quilt *

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