Monday, November 12, 2018

Getting results

Chris' phone rang at 7, and my app went shortly after. I could hear the rain on the roof and did not want to get out of bed. But I had to. I got up to brush, swish and sew a few seams. I drank water and checked e-mail briefly. Then I got dressed. I found my teacher briefcase in the garage. I removed stuff to make room for my clipboard, to keep it dry. Taking an umbrella, I headed out for the Alison Wellness Clinic.
I arrived slightly before my appointment at 8:15. But in a few minutes, another lady was shown to the back. So I waited until after 8:30. Then I was taken to a back room and told where to sit. I jotted notes to myself. Then the doctor came in with my blood test results. Basically it all looked good, except my hormones were low. And my LDL was high. Although my vit D was normal, he suggested it should be higher. He recommended a testosterone pellet or the cream. I asked questions and he answered them, even on his way out of the room to meet his next patient. I asked more questions of the lady who was taking notes for my file. I asked for a copy of the blood test results. She told me about her pellet insertion. It did not sound comfortable. I paid $50 at the front desk, then braved the rain to go home.
Chris was up and dressed. We checked the readouts on my car to see if the tires were low and they were. So I asked him to go to the dealership with me.
He drove, stopping at the gas station first. Then we went to the dealership and entered the bay. He got out to talk to the assistant. I tried to put my keys in my pouch, but the pouch was not in my purse. That meant no ID. Chris and I explained to the assistant about the tires and the difficulty with getting up to speed first thing in the morning. He made me an appointment for Tuesday after Thanksgiving to get a loaner car and leave mine there overnight so they can check it out cold. We waited while they inflated the tires. Then we went home.
I told Chris that the doctor recommended testosterone. So he shared his with me, which took longer than expected. I checked e-mail, then made and ate breakfast. I listened to part of an interview while I ate. Then I paused it. I covered my sewing cart with plastic and headed out to quilting.
I arrived in the rain. When I went in, the ladies were done with lunch, and were sewing. I set my stuff down. Carolyn said there was batting for me in the closet. I unrolled the communion banner and ironed all the pieces. I talked to everyone. But they started to leave when the rain let up. Rebecca gave me some of her scraps.
After everyone left, I had more room to cut the background of the banner and some strips for a charity quilt. I also trimmed what I put together on Saturday and got it ready for corners. Then I put everything away, packed up and went home.
I resumed listening to the interview. I picked some dandelion and made a salad. I listened to two of Deepak's meditations. I read about bioidentical hormones on several sites. I also read about sleep apps. Jennifer called and asked me to do several things tomorrow, so I put all of that together. I listened to an interview on raising chickens. I forwarded it to my tapping buddy because she raises chickens.
Finally I brushed my teeth while Chris turned on the TV. We watched two episodes of DS9. He made his sandwich and left the bread maker open for me to use tomorrow. I stayed up to blog and maybe do recyclables.
* Bertha finished this quilt top to give to the party for abused and neglected kids. *

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