Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Going North

I hear the app go off and then the alarm. We stayed in bed for awhile, and then I had to get up. The house was quiet, but Dad was sitting in the den wearing shorts. I checked out his feet; one foot had short toenails and the other had amazingly long toenails. I gave him some fat bombs to eat while I cut the long ones and filed the short ones. Then I put his socks on.
I took the rest of the fat bombs from the mold in the fridge and put them in a bag. I gave Dad a cup of jujube juice.
Chris had a conference call on his phone in the dining room. Dad and I went through papers in the den, looking for ones from specific charities that he wanted to give to. I wrote a couple of checks for him. But then I had to get dressed and start packing. Chris' call ended at 11:15. We packed everything in the car, said goodbye to Dad, and were on the road by 11:35.
Traffic was dense, but not horrible. We listened to a book on CD while Chris drove. Somehow he was able to listen to the GPS at the same time. It took about 3.5 hours to get to Marie's house in Annandale. Carol, Alfred and Cecily were there to welcome us. I stood guard by the door to keep the dogs in while Chris made several trips to the car to bring our luggage in. Then we visited while watching the food channel.
After a bit, Marie came home. The dogs were so happy to see her. There was more visiting. Cecily and Carol worked on supper. Later Michele came home from work. Soon after that, supper was ready.
The main dish was shells stuffed with cheese and covered with meat sauce. Cecily knew I didn't eat pasta, so she made shrimp for me. We also had salad and snap peas. I ate the cheese stuffing out of two shells and gave the pasta to Chris.
After supper, Marie, Michele, and Chris went to the wine store to get stuff for tomorrow and Friday. Cecily, Carol, and I sliced onions for stuffing. Cecily sauteed them on the stove. Then the others returned from the wine store. Some of us sat in the livingroom watching football. I played Solitaire on my laptop. Chris had a number of glasses of wine and was very affectionate. Finally he wandered off to talk to his sister. Cecily went to bed. I took a break to visit Michele upstairs and braid her hair while she played a computer game. I filled a water bottle to drink while posting to my blog.
I went upstairs to get my headphones. When I came down, I got in a discussion of headphones with Alfred. Chris came in and started kissing me. Marie came in for a bit, then went to bed. We had a discussion of what it means to get a franchise tag in football. The question came up whether Le'Veon Bell was getting any money at all for sitting out the season. No one knew. Al went to bed. Chris and I stayed up a little later, then went to bed.
* This was taken at the wellness clinic last week. *

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