Friday, November 2, 2018

That darned tomato

I used my sleep app again last night, looking for differences now that Chris is not here. It was hard to sleep with this thing on my face. I like to sleep on my left side, but was told not to. I did ok, I guess. The app woke me just after 7, but I wasn't really asleep. I turned off the alarm at 7:30 and stayed in bed until almost 8.
When I got up, I looked in the mirror. The thing on my face was smaller and had turned white. I plugged in my headphones to recharge. I sewed two 16 patch blocks. I looked for thread to match my wallhanging. But when I succeeded, I decided to save it for tomorrow.
I watched one last video from the Herbal Cold Care series. She said the top three herbs were elderberry, elderflowers, and ginger. For more info, see, and
I caught up on the 7 minute tappings with Dawson Church. Then I listened to a long audio on ancestral clearing while making up supplements for two weeks, plus making lemon puree. I poured it into two ice cube trays. I made and ate breakfast. Afterward, I also caught up on the 20 minute meditations with Deepak.
I got dressed and went to post office and checked our box. The front desk was closed (1:30-2:30 for lunch). Then I bundled up and went for a walk. I saw goldenrod and only then remembered that I wanted to harvest some for tea. But I didn't have a bag or anything to carry it in. When I got back, I heated some beef heart stew in the toaster oven.
We had 100% cloud cover. It was dismal. After the tapping last night on seasonal affective disorder, I was hoping it wouldn't bother me. I picked dandelion in the back yard while I still had enough light. Then I sorted through e-mail, trying to catch up. I decanted my black walnut hull tincture and managed not to stain anything with it. I got on Facebook looking for something quilty to post to Yongsan Quilters page. THEN, the sun came out and blinded me sitting at my computer. I wanted to take advantage of the light, so I turned my back to the window and darned my tomato. Then I refilled it with sawdust and sewed the bottom shut. I sorted the pins by head color and put them in the cushion. Then I sorted the needles by length and wondered where to put them.
I made lots of salad, and ate it at my laptop. I watched three episodes of Frazier. I took my evening supplements. I watched a short interview with Eleanor Burns. I downloaded pics from my camera and wrote my blog post for the day.

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