Sunday, November 18, 2018

Dad duty

I had a hard time getting to sleep. I was wearing earplugs and eyeshades, but I could still hear the kids upstairs. And there were people talking in the parking lot. Also, even though I put my laptop to sleep before I went to bed, it kept turning back on and the screen would light the room. I could see the light underneath the shades. I got up several times during the night to shut it down.
My sleep app went off before 7:30 CST then the phone alarm rang. It rang again at 7:30 EST, too. I tried to go back to sleep since I did not get much sleep. I dreamt about eating bananas.
Chris got up to take a shower. I drank water and prepared my breakfast. When he came out, I washed up and brushed my teeth. He went to fuel up the car. I swished and sewed a few stitches on binding. Then he came back and we ate breakfast. I turned on my computer to find out that it had updated and closed my windows. It connected automatically, but I could see there were at least 3 5g signals available. I read e-mail and listened to a podcast on kidney health.
When it was over, I realized we had 15 minutes to check out. I rushed around packing things up and making sure we had everything. I helped Chris carry the stuff to his car. Then he checked out and we got on the road.
We ran into heavy traffic in several places. That gave us more time to listen to our book on CD. We finished one and started a second one. When we were about ½ an hour away, I called Dad and then Faye but got no answer. A few minutes later, Faye called to say they had just arrived home from church.
When we parked in the driveway, William was on the back porch sweeping leaves and twigs off. Faye helped us bring our stuff inside. I talked to Faye for awhile. Chris went to the store to get steak for supper. I made a list of things to do around here. Faye left. Dad and I looked at his printer while Chris made rice, fried onions, and chuck roast. He came back to tell us supper was ready. He looked at the printer and said it was done for.
While Dad and I were eating supper in the kitchen, Patrick called from the front door. (the doorbell doesn't work.) Chris let him in. He went through recyclables and such, looking for stamps and boxtops. After he left, I put velcro on Dad's bib, and mended a pair of Dad's pants with an old shirt he gave me. Although stained, that shirt was in better condition than things i have mended in the past. I looked high and low for a good tea towel to make a pair of hanging towels from. No luck. Then I helped Dad write checks and take out the garbage.
At 10, I made kava tea. I got out my laptop to write my blog post for the day. I swished and took calc-phos. Then Chris and I made up the hide-a-bed and retired for the night.
* Golden rod flowers and gingko leaves left out to dry while we are away. *

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