Sunday, November 4, 2018

Thrown off by the time change

I heard the app at 7:27. A message popped up on the phone, but I could not read it. So I got out of bed to get my glasses and by then it was gone. Not knowing if it was the old 7:30 or the new 7:30, I checked other clocks and my watch. It seems my phone caught the time change even though it was on airplane mode all night.
I brushed and swished and sewed. I turned on the router. I checked e-mail. I was looking for smile pics to add to my Pinterest page and got caught up looking at funny sayings. When I realized what time it was, I had to wash up and get dressed quickly. Then I grabbed the jar of honey and some seed crackers for lunch.
I drove to the church and arrived just in time for choir practice. We sang through it twice and I wasn't comfortable with it, but Cecelia said I was singing it as written, but it wasn't written well.
During the interval before church, I gave Jennifer the honey. I ordered a poinsettia from her daughter's dance class. I know the church will be selling poinsettias but those are used to decorate the church and we don't take them home until after Jan 1st.
I got a bulletin and discovered one sitting in my pew. The lady behind me had two so she put one out for me. I talked to them a bit, then sat down to read the bulletin.
The service started with one of our congregation acting as minister. He read announcements and lead the service. He sang the liturgy and gave the sermon, but a retired pastor handed out communion. I am unsure why it was done that way.
After the service, I asked Linda about getting an envelop number for new members. She said Tim usually does that. She took me in the office and explained where to find an envelop for Pastor's retirement responses. Scott told me about a training for people who set off fireworks for public events. Bill asked about a receipt he submitted for donation credit. Tim explained that that isn't something we record in ServantKeeper. Bill also asked about the thing on my face. I explained and he said he had been afraid it was some sort of decoration.
I left church and headed for quilting. But I was going to arrive just before lunch and I had nothing to contribute. So I went home instead, and ate breakfast and changed my clothes. When I got to quilting, they were done with lunch. I turned in the top I had made, and Lynette asked me to make a backing for it. I found a large piece of fabric and cut off just enough for the top. I folded it all together and left it for her to take.
They were making strip blocks for a guild in Montgomery who was making quilts for hurricane victims in Florida. I had already started a strip project, so I sorted through the piles of strips for light-colored ones that were 2.5 inches wide. There were very few so I had to cut some. Then I sewed strips end to end to make a long strip of darks and a long strip of lights. I worked on that until she called time. Then we had to pack up and return the room to its original condition. Tina ran the vacuum.
From there, I went home. It was raining and getting dark. So I did not get to walk. I heated a bowl of beef heart stew for supper. I read e-mail and watched some short videos. I watched several episodes of Frazier, using the TV instead of my laptop. Then I sat at the piano and sang songs from The Phantom of the Opera. Chris called to say he'd taken Michele and friends to the airport there in St. Louis, and that he would fly home tomorrow. We talked for a bit and then he hung up to go to bed. I sat there quietly for a bit, then resumed singing.
I was getting tired, so I sat down to write my blog and drink Kava tea and swish. I didn't take any pics today because I left my phone at home. Then I meditated with Deepak and went to bed. I listened to the next level of Holosync and let the sleep app do its thing.
* This is a quilt from the Tuesday group. *

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