Saturday, November 17, 2018

No such thing as a silent hotel room

Chris got up at 7:30 when my phone alarm went off. He made breakfast and read e-mail. I got up to finish packing and doing last minute things like watering the plants. I also had Chris pull the tape off of my back so I could take a shower. Maybe I should have taken the shower first so the tape would come off more easily. I packed two quilts that needed binding. I would have brought Jane's quilt too, but the matching thread was not with it.
It was 10:30 or later when we had the car packed and got on the road. As he drove, I put CD's in the player. We listened to a book by Janet Evanovitch. We made one pit stop. I went to the bathroom and he got a cheeseburger. Otherwise, we shared food from the food box and the cooler.
When we got to Bristol, we stopped at a Red Roof Inn. Chris checked in and they gave us room 108. But when we got inside, the sound of traffic rushing down the interstate was loud. So Chris asked for a room across the hall – 109. It was much quieter in there.
We set up our laptops and read e-mail. I also meditated. Then someone with active children rented the room above us. The kids ran back and forth, their footfalls thudding loudly. These rooms have no carpet so there is nothing to muffle the sound. I hoped they would go to bed sooner than we did.
We watched three episodes of DS9. We had to turn off the heater so we could hear the TV. It took my mind off the kids upstairs. They settled down for awhile, then the thudding resumed. Chris went to bed and I brushed my teeth, so I could swish while writing my blog.
* This is the orphan block top that I mentioned yesterday. *

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