Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday shopping

I heard the app alarm ring and waited for the phone alarm to ring, but it didn't because I had turned it off the day before. I figured that out at 7:31. Because we were leaving at 8:30 for Black Friday shopping, I got up, washed up and got dressed. I brushed and swished. I checked e-mail and discovered a serious overflow of Black Friday offers in my inbox. I deleted some and marked others for consideration later.
I filled my water bottle and started drinking. We women put on our coats and got in Marie's car. She drove us to Tyson's Corner. We parked and entered through Nordstrom's. I needed a bathroom at that point, so Marie asked a male clerk. His response was “Are you staying in the store?” She replied yes so he gave us directions.
After the bathroom break, we headed into the mall. We looked for socks for several people. And a coat for me, and clothes for Michele and Marie and Carol. We went to Macy's and waited a long time in a short line. We also went to a few other stores then went back to Nordstrom's for lunch. We stood in line to order, then sat at a table. When the food was brought, we said a prayer and dug in. Cecily did not eat much, but Marie and Carol helped her. We wrapped up most of the rolls to take home.
On the way out of the mall, we passed a jewelry store. I wanted to look at wedding bands, but all they had out were watches. The man said there were only a few left. He opened a box and I looked at the simplest one. It had tiny diamonds on it, priced at $2000. He opened another case. There was a plain gold band for $1000. A few more cases came out, and finally I saw one that was the same shape as the one I lost, but smoother. It was only $200. I handed over my credit card, then waited while he processed the transaction. It took longer than I expected and I began to wonder. But he was looking for a box. He put the box in another box which went in a bag. Then I signed a piece of paper and we were on our way. Cecily remarked that I should wear it, but I wanted Chris to present it to me.
From there, we drove to Seven Corners to the Burlington store. It wasn't full of coats like I expected. But eventually I did find a black coat that was nice enough for church and casual enough for quilting. We went down the sidewalk to a shoe store. Michele shopped for boots. Since there was a BOGO, Carol got a pair, too. I bought myself some socks. Then we went home.
It was midafternoon. Cecily showed the guys some of our purchases. Chris and Michele put on new socks and gave me their old socks to stuff dog beds. Carol washed those old socks so I wouldn't have to take them home smelly. I showed Chris the ring I bought and he put it on my finger.
I navigated through Black Friday sales, buying only one or two things. Chris and Al were in charge of making supper and it was well underway. Cecily sat and put together an online puzzle. I then remembered I hadn't sewn. So I stitched binding until the thread ran out. I put the needle between my lips while I cut more thread. But it dropped and I couldn't find it. Chris found it in the carpet. I threaded the needle and put in a few more stitches to get it started.
At 6:30 we were called to the table. There was a large bowl of beef burgundy stew, plus green beans and rolls. Chris said the prayer and Marie ladled the stew into bowls. Chris lamented that it needed more wine. After eating the stew, we took our bowls into the kitchen and let the dogs lick them clean before putting the in the dishwasher. Then Marie handed out pieces of pie with whipped cream. I got a tiny taste from Chris' plate. Carol did the dishes and went downstairs to her room.
I sat in the livingroom at my laptop and went through more sales e-mails. I placed another order. The others watched football. Cecily and Marie went to bed. I got to the end of the e-mails (for now), and took time to type up my blog so I could get ready for bed.
* Lunch at Nordstroms. *

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