Sunday, November 11, 2018

Church business

My sleep app went off first and later the phone alarm rang. I got up soon after to brush, swish and sew the seam I pinned yesterday. I read e-mail for a bit, then took a shower and got dressed for church in my warmest dress. I played an audio while I made more flax mix. I had time to read a little more e-mail and then I put my laptop back to sleep and I went to church.
A free pecan pie came with my last NUTS.COM order. I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided it could go to church. Chris put it in my car last night so I wouldn't forget it. It was frozen this morning. When I got to the church, I was going to drop it off in the fellowship hall, but there was a Sunday school class in there. So I took it in the sanctuary and left it in a pew while I practiced with the choir. Afterward I took it to the fellowship hall and unwrapped it so it could thaw.
Don was sitting in my pew for the first time in a month (since his stroke). We greeted each other warmly. Other people came up and hugged him, too. Cecelia sat with me and we talked. Then Jennifer and Jim sang a duet and the service started.
There were lots of announcements. The pastor's sermon was about the game of tag, the concept of home base and how today's generation wouldn't understand the analogy. If you always stay on home base, you aren't really playing the game.
After the service, we all went to the fellowship hall for lunch. The tables in the kitchen held boxes of pizza. The table in the big room had three trays of fresh veggies and desserts. I filled a plate from the veggie trays, perhaps taking more than my share. I sat with Cecelia and Doris. We had a nice meal. Cecelia asked me to order her some calcium tablets and I left myself a note on my phone. After the meal, we went back to the sanctuary for the annual meeting. It was long. We approved the budget. We approved reports. We did not approve having the council negotiate with Verizon to rent them land for a cell tower. Several people spoke in favor of it, saying the towers are everywhere anyway, but no one liked the deal Verizon was offering. We know other churches with cell towers, but their deals are confidential. We voted to see how much it would cost to get a lawyer for this.
There were a lot of veggies left over from lunch. Cecelia put a bunch in a bag for me to take home. I wrapped up what was left of the pie and took it home for Chris. When I got home, I changed clothes and ate some steak. Then we went to the grocery store for the usual items.
When we got home, Chris put the groceries away while I went to harvest goldenrod before the sun set. There was a police car hiding back there by the pile of wood chips. So I harvested the yellow flowers and went home.
I picked dandelion and made salad by adding stuff from the grocery store. I read e-mail for a bit. Then I worked on the banner for church. I was auditioning border widths. I did some math, trying to get the length and width to the golden ratio.
At 8, Chris turned on the TV. As he was cuing up Netflix, I brushed and swished and brought along a cup of tea. We watched two episodes of DS9. Then he checked one of the actresses, and went to bed. I stayed up to blog, but not too long, since I have to get up early tomorrow.
* This is one of the quilts from Blanket Daze. *

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