Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chaffing at another day of missed activities

We went to bed early last night. I took all three meds and hoped to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. It was not quick at all, but once I fell asleep, I stayed that way until Chris' alarm went off. I heard Chris get up and prepare for the day. After he left, I might have gone back to sleep. Not sure. But then I tried to get up. Progress was painful and slow. It was like my back was looking for any excuse to spasm. I managed to achieve a sitting position when my phone alarm rang. Since it was at the head of the bed, it was loud and jarring. It almost caused a spasm just by ringing. I waited a minute for it to stop. Then I made several attempts to stand and finally I was vertical. I wasn't quite ready to walk, but in time I made it to the bathroom (which is probably why I got up before the alarm went off).
I walked around the house with the rolling walker. I put the sock of rice back in the freezer. I drank some water and took supplements, then got dressed. I sat in a straight-backed chair with arms and turned on the heating pad while I read a few pages. I turned on the router. I sat by my laptop with the sock of cold rice. I read some e-mail but got up often.
I called Beverly to let her know I was not coming to quilting. We talked for some time. I went looking for my old meds because they might work better than the new ones. But what I found was not different from the the new.
I made and ate breakfast. I took a slow walk around the circle. I debated whether to try to go to the church to count money. I decided to take my meds again and nap first. Since the pain pills were running low (must not have been as many as the others), I skipped it and just took the anti-inflammatory and the muscle relaxer. I had just finished taking them when Chris came home. He'd already had lunch and was checking in on me. At my request, he put out the recyclables.
I laid down for a nap, a little worried about being able to get up again later. I fell asleep and slept for several hours. I woke up at 2:15 and was out of bed by 2:30. There was still time to go to the church. I considered it carefully and decided that going might cost me all my Wednesday activities. So I stayed home.
I finalized an order to Amazon. I zigzagged a strip of batting to several others. I practiced flute and trombone. I listened to a podcast. At 4, William called. He was making a case for keeping the station wagon and getting rid of the K-Car instead. I wasn't sure why it was an issue.
Chris came home at 5:30. I made seed crackers. I refilled the sesame seed container and the seasoning container. I made more flax and chia mix. It looked like sand art (until I shook it up.) I ate a piece of beef. I sewed another batting strip on. I played Solitaire from a sitting and then standing position. I ate a sweet potato, and then jotted notes for my blog. I made tea and drank it while we watched two episodes of “In Search Of”, which was narrated by Leonard Nimoy. We also watched one episode of ST:NG. Chris made his sandwich and finished up something on the computer. I completed my blog post and took the last of my evening supplements. Then I got ready for bed.
* Seed art *

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