Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wishing I could do this day over again

I got up about 8:15. I took my morning supplements and checked e-mail. Then I took a shower and got dressed for church. The first dress I put on did not fit, so I chose another one, also blue since the choir director thought we should all wear the same color. There was no time for breakfast, but I did eat a fat bomb. I also took a bag of seed crackers for lunch.
It was raining hard at 9 when I headed out to church. I got there in time to warm up with the choir. I got compliments on my dress. After practice, Don showed up, whom I hadn't seen for a month. He sold his house and moved to a retirement home. He missed his house. We sat through the service together. Instead of a sermon, a lady from HAP (Huntsville Assistance Program) talked about the work they do and how they help people become self-sufficient. Afterward, on the way out, the new pastor and I compared addresses since we live on the same street.
By the time I got to my car, I was wet. I called Chris and asked him to do the grocery shopping by himself. Then I went to another church where ladies were making quilts for Linus Project. I did not have to worry about my sewing machine getting wet because Faye bought me a rolling case to protect it.
The ladies helped me set up a table. Lynette showed me the stacks of squares in different sizes. I chose the 4” ones. Since I was coming in late, I just started sewing light patches to dark patches, not bothering to find some artistic plan.
At noon we broke for lunch. I contributed seed crackers. We had a pretty nice lunch judging by how quietly we ate it. Afterward the food was put away and we went back to sewing. I made a bunch of 16-patches and ironed them. I was just finishing up when people started packing up. So I left the last one unfinished, and packed my own stuff, then vacuumed the room. By the time I finished, the other ladies had put away the tables and fabric bins. It was perfect timing. And, the rain had stopped, so I could load my car without an umbrella.
When I got home, I admitted to Chris that I had lost my credit card. He gave me the number from the back of his so I could call the company. I did not know the cc number so I gave my ssn. That got no response from the system so I gave them Chris' ssn. When I chose the option to report a lost card, the system canceled his card. ARRGH! Chris typed in a bunch of 0's until an operator came on the line. She turned me over to an account rep. He said he could not reinstate the card. I got him to cancel my card and send us new ones. He said it would take 4 to 6 business days. Chris got very upset and demanded to speak to the supervisor. But no one could change that. I hoped we could get the cards by Friday.
Then I wanted to call the bank to replace that card as well. I remembered my ID falling out of the pocket necklace and wondered if the cards had fallen out and maybe slipped under my sewing desk. I asked Chris to tip the desk so I could look and then....I spotted the missing cards sitting on the window sill. I swear they were not there earlier. Headslap x 3.
Chris had roasted beef in the oven and a pan of brussel sprouts. He likes them because they are crunchy on the outside. He put some beef and broth in a bowl for me and I added some of the mashed yucca root. I ate that while finishing a tapping audio from Day 6.
Chris and I took a nap. When we got up, I saw a message from our neighbor asking if I had a sifter. I checked and found two. Her husband came over and I gave him both. I made and ate a small salad, using the sprouts I have been raising. I put water on to boil and made tea while listening to the last tapping audio. Afterward, I played piano, waiting for Chris. Then we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris looked up one on Imdb and discovered that Teri Hatcher did appear. I sat down to write my blog and swish. Chris played on his laptop, probably waiting for me. I downloaded today's pics from my phone to the laptop and deleted them from the phone, just as I do every night. But this time, they were not on the laptop. I looked up how to undelete them from the phone, but it requires software I do not have. Sigh.
* A pic from yesterday since today's pics have ceased to exist. *

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