Friday, March 15, 2019

Somebody help meme!

I got up at 8:15. I got dressed right away since the maintenance man said he would be here first thing in the morning. I brushed and swished. I did not sew because I thought I would be sewing later. I played an audio while I boiled water and rinsed sprouts. I read e-mail, and took my morning supplements. I made up two weeks worth of daily supplements. I made and ate breakfast. Then I called Rebecca to see how long they would be sewing today so I could join them. But she said they got superseded and were not sewing again until next month.
I went for a walk. Afterward, I found myself reviewing memes again while listening to yet another audio. So many audios to catch up on. I composed a post to the Korean clinic page. Just after I hit 'Post', I thought of a better way to word it. I looked for a book that Pat wanted for the library. Amazon was out but the publisher's site had it. I got the house mail and found one piece. (I had been worried that the postal person was putting it in the wrong box). I auditioned about 10 different fabrics for borders on the banner.
The maintenance man came to replace the wax ring under the toilet. While he was here, I ran to the post office to get the mail before it closed. He was gone (and apparently finished) when I got back. He didn't waste any time.
I mowed the back yard longitudinally and started the latitude, but decided it would be dryer tomorrow since the weeds were now shorter. I listened to an audio while jotting notes for my blog. I read memes until my eyes crossed and I missed supper and it was time for bed. Is this the new diet plan?
I decided to watch one episode of Frasier and go to bed. But then Kurt started texting me about a coconut. So I ended up watching three episodes before I wrote my blog and retired for the night (after doing some yoga stretches).
* I couldn't help sharing another Star Trek meme. *

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