Monday, March 4, 2019

The unexpected

I got up about 8:30. I brushed and swished and auditioned the fish on the banner. I turned on the router and boiled water for nuts. I got dressed because the repair man was coming to replace the water heater. I listened to tapping audios from Day 7. I took my morning supplements and drank a quart of water. I checked e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I listened to a presentation and started taking an online survey from my bank. The presentation ended, but the survey continued. Finally I just stopped answering questions. I bundled up against the cold and went to quilting.
It was 12:30 till I got there. The ladies had finished lunch and several were packing to leave. I talked to Bertha and then Rebecca. Rebecca gave me some fabric scraps from a project that I helped her choose borders for. After Bertha had left, Lauri gave me a big bag of movies on DVD to watch. Rebecca borrowed one. After two hours of socializing, I got out my machine to sew. I had brought black thread for the circle project, but did not have any blank bobbins. So instead, I finished up the project from yesterday while talking to Maryanne. We were waiting for Rachael to get back from Tuesday Morning where she was buying jelly rolls. She got back about 4pm, then we all packed up and headed out.
When I got home, Chris was here. I brought in the mail. He had left a package on my chair from I put them away. I looked through my junk mail and tossed it. I checked the water heater and it seemed to be the same one as before. I looked through a bag of scraps and pulled some out. I ate a bowl of blueberries and cinnamon while looking at e-mail. I listened to some podcasts. I made a lot of salad and ate it in two shifts. I finished the last tapping meditation from yesterday. I called Dad to see if he drank his water and ate the coconut oil fat bombs. He said he spent the day doing a load of laundry and calling the garbage company because the trash was not picked up at the time he went out.
I started a new tapping audio from Day 8 and ate cashews. I read Housing's notice about a freeze warning tonight. I made tea consisting of ginger, turmeric, kava, and something Korean – possibly Solomon Seal. I wrote up my blog post until Chris was ready. Then we sat down to watch two episodes of ST:NG. I finished my blog post and got ready for bed.

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