Saturday, March 30, 2019

If I only had a heart

I got up at 9 with no trouble but a little pain. I started taking supplements and drinking water. Chris helped me take a shower. Then I got dressed. I folded laundry and put it away. And I checked e-mail briefly.
At 10:40 I left for church. I dropped off the bank bag and the hymnal. Then I met the lady selling pasture-raised beef at the next church. I had ordered the heart and had brought an insulated bag to take it home in. But instead of going straight home, I went to Lowes to get some plants. I did not see vegetables, so I picked out some flowers. I meant to use the gift card that Faye had given me, but used my own credit card by force of habit. However, while I was at the register, the lady told me where the vegetable plants were. So I went to pick some out and then checked out again and used the gift card for tomatoes and a pepper and basil.
When I got home, I put the heart in the freezer. I made and ate breakfast. I meditated, then read e-mail. I sat against a heating pad and tapped. Chris told me about his frustration in looking for a job.
Then I went back to reading e-mail. I watched videos about harvesting stinging nettles for their superb nutrition. Somehow that led to watching videos about quick crafts and kitchen hacks. I closed that tab and went for a walk. When I got back, I took all the plants I had bought and set them out in front of the house where they could enjoy the impending rain.
I picked dandelion and violet blossoms in the back yard. I made a salad and ate while reading about the war of the roses and trying to picture it in terms of the episodes we saw last night, and see if they agree with history as we know it.
I practiced my trombone and flute. The flute part did not go well. Maybe when Jennifer hears it, she won't make me play. I read a little more history while eating apples. Then I called Dad who was resting with his feet up so I kept the call short.
We watched two episodes of ST:NG. Chris put Icy Hot on my back, which felt really good. I took the homeopathic supplements and wrote up my blog post for today. Now I just need a pic to go with it. Then I can go to bed.
* This pic was taken a day or two ago. *

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