Monday, March 25, 2019

The unexpected

I got up at 8, took a shower and dressed for church. I watched a little bit of a video before I had to leave.
I must have arrived early because there was only one choir member there and she was telling the director about an attack of vertigo because a crystal in her ear got stuck in the wrong place. When the other members arrived, we sang through the piece several times. Then I sat in my pew and talked to the people behind me until the service started.
The organist played slowly but the pastor talked quickly. I think the service ended early. I meant to look at my watch but Ron came over to tease me and I forgot. I had a number of conversations before I got to my car, including showing the council president a pic of the banner.
It was just after 11:30 when I got home, so the service must have let out early. I changed my clothes and sat down for a moment while Chris got ready to go grocery shopping. When I stood up, my back was a little stiff. I got in his car and we went to Publix for groceries. I remember feeling tired when we went in, but not after that. When we got home, he carried in most of the groceries. I made and ate breakfast. I
noticed my lower back was hurting, so I went for a long walk. But I did not feel any better when I got back. I could walk around, but it hurt to sit. Chris convinced me to take some meds. Chris made liver and brussel sprouts. The liver was for me and he ate most of the brussel sprouts. I sat in the green chair, which is the easiest to get up from. I ate the brussel sprouts and read the books that Elaine sent me. My back did not get better, and in fact it was getting worse. I walked around for a but, but got tired of that so I laid down to rest, knowing there was a chance I would not be able to get up again. Chris brought in the small laptop so I could watch shows to take my mind off of the pain and discomfort. But it was an odd angle to watch the screen from. I watched three episodes of Frasier and a movie called HER. It was an interesting premise which did not need the bad words and other R-rated features that it had. My brain likes Frasier, but my back did not appreciate the LOL's.
When it was over, it was almost midnight. I could not sit up. I asked Chris to bring me a towel to pee on and some water and medications. He slept on the couch and I laid in the dark, tapping on any relevant statement I could think of to help my back. It was not possible to post to my blog and I had to tap on that, too.
* I took a pic of this tree on my walk. *

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