Saturday, March 2, 2019

Quilting with others

I woke up several times during the night having hot flashes. This was not unusual but I don't usually mention it. I finally got up about 8.
I swished and checked e-mail. I played the last two presentations from Day 5 while drinking water and taking my morning supplements, and looking for pictures of a young Jonathan Frakes. I made and ate breakfast a little early. Then the doorbell rang.
It was the base commander, a lady from PAIO and the man from Housing. They were asking questions about the water and the condition of the domicile. The commander said we should report everything, even if it is just a paint job that doesn't quite match.
After they left, I put my machine in my trunk and went to Sew Day at the Bailey Cove Library. Parking was very limited. I had to roll my machine a long way. And the room was full of ladies working on quilts for charity. I had a quilt of my own to work on just in case. But some space was cleared for me. Amanda had blocks and sashing on a temp design wall. She asked me to square up the pieces and sew it all together. So I got started.
Soon a delivery man came with lunch. So the ladies gathered around two tables to eat. I had just eaten breakfast so I continued to sew. Amanda put other orphan blocks on the design wall and tried to form a pattern of some kind. Others were doing that on tables as well. I got mine finished and she took a pic. Then she gave me another one to work on, but it was a much simpler design. I was able to complete that top as well, then help to pack up tables and such. A bag of scraps was collected and given to me to pass on for dog beds.
I stopped by the church on the way home to drop off some green fabric and check the office to see if I had dropped something there. I saw nothing, but people I assume are the cleaning crew.
When I got home, I made a big salad and ate it while checking e-mail. I ate some lamb as well. Then I started a presentation from Day 6. When it was over, I made some tea and listened to part of the next audio. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then we dressed the bed in clean sheets. I retired to my laptop to write up the events of the day before going to bed.
* This is her design with a little tweaking of my own. *

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