Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Beloved pets

I slept in until 8:30 – still not on the new time schedule. I brushed and swished. I wrote out a schedule for all the supplements and how far apart they need to be taken (since they all say to take on an empty stomach first thing in the morning). It was going to take 3 hours. So I skipped the usual probiotic and started with the homeopathic ones. I made coffee and did my exercises. I meditated and tapped. I also listened to episode 9. When that part was over, I turned my attention to cleaning. I did the bathrooms and took a shower. I used a magic eraser on the shower curtain liner to get rid of the mildew and it worked. Then realized I had forgotten to finish cleaning the kitchen. So I got dressed and did that. I heard Dr. John Gray talk about the benefits of grapeseed extract. I thought I had some but could not find it. I even looked through my inbox for the order. It appeared in an Amazon order. When I saw the pic of the bottle, I found it in a box I had already looked through. However I was out of time.
I drove to the Korean clinic. She was glad to see me but told me how sad she was because her two little dogs dug out under the fence and got hit. Both died, one instantly and the other after crawling to the back yard. Someone left a note with no name. It was very sad.
He asked me to check on his student loan. He had written down the username and password, but they did not gain us access to the site. We went through the login process in every way possible. Then we got locked out. We found a way to get a security code by text, but then the site said we had to wait 30 minutes before logging in again. ARRGGHH! So Dr. Lee gave me a foot bath detox. Ahhhhh! Dr. Grace sat with me and talked about the dogs, and how she can't go back to the house, and she will never get another pet. I didn't realize that she has lost upwards of a dozen pets to wild animals during her life. I told her my dog got hit by a car 40+ years ago and I still get sad sometimes.
When the 30 minutes had expired, we got back in and completed the forms necessary to renew the loan arrangements. Then he had me check on another form in process. I had no luck there and called, but the company was already closed. He gave me onion juice and I went home.
Chris was not home. I listened to more audios. I picked dandelion and made and ate a salad. Chris came home around 6. I called William back, and then called Dad. But Dad did not answer so I left a message. I practiced with just the mouthpiece while auditioning some fabric with blocks. I emptied the dishwasher while looking for a clean spoon.
Then it was time for church. I hopped in my car and drove over there, arriving 5 minutes early. I sat in the front pew as usual. Elaine lent me two books and I gave her some bamboo salt. Will asked if I wanted to sing a line during the service and I declined. The service was short, just some singing and Portia talking about her faith walk. Afterward, I moved to the other side of the sanctuary for choir practice. Our director was gone for a funeral in Canada, so Cecelia led us with notes from Jennifer. It lasted longer than usual and I got worried about getting back to post.
But I made it with 9 minutes to spare. Chris was on his laptop. I made tea and took some supplements. Then we watched one episode of ST:NG. He made a sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to write to my blog and order some lithium orotate.
* This is the song where each line is sung by a different person and then we all sing the refrain. It is pitched for a soprano. *

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