Friday, March 22, 2019

The long and winding road

I got up at 8:15, thinking it was much later. I brushed and swished and finished top-stitching the bib. But then I saw there were places where the tension was bad and I had to pull threads and bury them.
I turned on the router and started the homeopathic regimen. I called CCAOM and left a message. I listened to Dr. O'Bryan talk about the brain and toxins. He recommended a cup of blueberries a day. CCAOM called me back and showed me where to find the review course on their site. (It wasn't listed that way or I'd have found it myself).
I juiced the celery and had to add more from the fridge. The remaining celery went into the pitcher of water. I drank the juice and put on a presentation of indoor gardening. I made and ate breakfast. Then I got dressed and went to the Korean clinic. Dr. Lee had already found the review course and read the information. He had printed out the quiz and marked the answers to the best of his ability. He wanted me to confirm his answers. That took over an hour. Then we went over the instructions to print and send it in with payment. He gave me a large apple and a bag of dried banana slices and pecans. I thanked him and went home.
I finished the indoor gardening presentation and ate the apple. I added the names of the herbal teas and fermented juices to Dr. Lee's Facebook page. I went to the gas station to fill my tank. Then I drove to a parking lot by the community gardens and went for a walk. My goal was to walk for 15 minutes south and then turn around and walk back. But, after walking almost 15 minutes, there was a trail the size of a truck going off into the woods, kind of heading north. So I followed it. And followed it. At one point I began to wish I hadn't gone so far because I didn't know where I was and retracing all my steps was going to take a long time. But I kept going, and eventually came out near the RV park. I had overshot my parking spot and had to walk south to find it. The walking time turned out to be only 35 minutes.
When I got back, I listened to podcasts and played Solitaire. I also snacked on cashews. Chris came home from work. My eyes started to cross, so I finished the last podcast and sorted fabric scraps from batting scraps. It wasn't necessary but I enjoyed doing it. I pulled out the largest batting pieces and put them in piles of similar weight. I also stitched velcro to the bib and put it in a box with other finished projects.
The sun had gone down, so I closed the front door. I practiced my trombone until my lip gave out. Then I picked up my phone to call Dad. I saw there was a message from Dr. Grace. In a very sad voice she asked me to call her. I tried calling, but there was no answer. I left a message. Then I called my dad. Dad said he had drunk his water, but not had any fat bombs.
I went back to reading e-mail. I made and ate a salad. After eating, I made tea and took my early evening supplements. Chris and I watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then I wrote up my blog post for the day and took my homeopathic supplements and got ready for bed.
* A plant I saw frequently along the winding road through the forest. *

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