Thursday, March 21, 2019

A visit to the doctor

I got up at 8:30 even though my alarm went off at 7:30. My stomach did not feel well last night and it kept me awake even though I took two charcoal capsules. I brushed and swished. I did some stitching on the bib. I turned on the router, boiled water, and took my morning supplements. I watched episode 10. A lady called from NCCAOM for Dr. Lee. I asked her why his application was still pending. She said his CNT certificate was more than 6 years old and that he needed to take a review course on the CNT website. After the call, I wrote an e-mail to Dr. Lee.
I washed up a bunch of celery and juiced it. Making two cups took a lot because the celery was limp. So I put the next bunch of celery in a pitcher of water to firm up for tomorrow. From the reviews of drinking celery juice online, I was expecting to feel particularly good or to have to run to the bathroom. But I didn't feel anything.
I saw an e-mail from Chris saying he would be working late. So I went to the post office. There was a package from Swansons, but no quilt books. When I got back, I emailed Charlotte to let her know the book hadn't come in yet. I also said I wasn't going to quilting today.
I made and ate breakfast, then went for a walk. It was a lovely day. Then I gathered my coat and purse and clipboard and went to the doctor. On the way, Dr. Lee called me to ask how he could take the online course. I told him I could not help him just then because I was driving.
I got to the office a little early, but she took me within a few minutes. We went to a room at the back. She asked a bunch of questions that started with 'have you ever...' and I tried to answer them to the best of my recollection, which wasn't so great. Then she had me sit on the bed and she tested my reflexes and looked in my eyes, nose and ears. She listened to my heart and lungs. She said based on my answers, she thinks my thyroid and adrenal function are low, but she wants to see the blood tests from last November. She had me make an appointment to submit a urine and saliva sample, then come back later in the day to get the results.
I went home, and missed a turn. So instead of using Gate 9, I went in Gate 8. I resumed listening to an audio. Dr. Lee called and asked me to come to the clinic tomorrow to show him how to take the online course.
Chris came home soon after I arrived. He prepared beef and onions and put them in the oven, then went back to work. I scanned my blood test results from last year into the old computer and e-mailed them to the doctor. I put on an audio. While it played, I sorted through the scraps from the modern quilt guild. I pulled the batting scraps out of the fabric scrap pile. Not that it was necessary, but I enjoyed it, and selected a few scraps I could use.
I cut some pineapple and ate that. Chris came home from work about 6. The beef and onions were done. I ate a piece of beef and some onions and drank some kombucha.
I practiced my trombone, playing piano music because I could not find the hymnal.
I took my laptop to the guest room to meet with my tapping buddy. I told her that my shoulder was doing better after our last session. Then we tapped for her and she felt a lot better. I moved my laptop back to the dining room, and made a cup of tea. Then Chris and I watched Just Like Heaven. It was in Lauri's stack of movies. It was good although somewhat predictable.
I looked up the website for CCAOM for Dr. Lee. There was nothing about an online refresher course. Sigh. I guess that's a phone call for tomorrow. I typed up my blog and got ready for bed.
* hydrated celery *

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