Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I hope this isn't Groundhog Day

I got up during the night to pee. It wasn't easy to get up, but I managed it. I took some magnesium. Chris woke up and figured I must be doing better. So when he got up for work, he let me sleep. When I woke up, I could not get up. I went back to sleep and dreamed I was in the back seat of a car that my dad was driving. I said to myself, “Oh good, being stuck in bed was just a dream.” Sadly it was the other way around. I put Icy Hot on my back. At one point I called Chris to come home and get me a towel to pee on. He also brought me the meds and water and food: sweet potato and nuts and fat bombs. I had asked for beef but he decided this was better. I asked him to leave me a Depends for later.
I took the meds before he left and tried to sleep. I called Dr. Lee to tell him I could not get out of bed to show up today. He said he really needed me to help him. I called my naturopathic doctor. The secretary said she wasn't in. The secretary called back to say that the doctor's husband recommended taking magnesium or an epsom salt bath. I had some magnesium spray so I used that on my back.
Dr. Lee called back. I explained that I could not so much as put a foot on the floor without my back spasming. I asked him if there was an acupuncture point for back spasms. He suggested I come in for cupping to improve the circulation. I agreed to think about it. Then I rested for awhile. The magnesium had a certain effect which would have been disastrous if I had not had a Depends available. Afterward, I had more motivation to start the laborious and exhausting effort to rise to a sitting position so I could get out of bed.
I called Chris and left a message saying that I needed help. I did some tapping, then worked my way to the edge of the bed and got my right arm and shoulder underneath me. Slowly, I pushed myself up, but had to abandon the attempt several times when the spasm threatened. However, due to the meds or the magnesium or the Icy Hot, I finally managed to sit, and then to stand, although the attempt had taken most of my energy. I had started inching my feet forward, when my phone rang. It was Dr. Lee again. He offered to come over, but I told him he needed an ID to get on post. He said he was praying for me.
I inched my way to the kitchen to get the rolling walker. Then I inched my way to the bathroom, where I cleaned up as best I could. I called Chris back and left another message to say he needn't hurry after all. I managed to put on some clothes. I walked around and around, hoping to loosen up the muscles. Occasionally I had to sit, but could not sit for long. I did use the heating pad at one point, and the cold sock of rice at another. I made and ate breakfast sitting outside in the sun. I made up two week's worth of supplements. I texted our choir director and told her I wasn't coming tonight. I called Dr. Lee to see if I could help him over the phone. He had questions about the worksheet and I told him I didn't think it was going to be graded. I walked around the outside of the duplex, and saw the bus arrive. I checked the mail, but there wasn't any for me or the long line of people who have lived here before.
Chris came home at 4. He said he hadn't gotten any of my messages. I asked him to wash any spots on my … that I may have missed. He was only too happy to do that. Then I asked him to take my car to the car wash being sponsored by the Housing staff. He did that, too, but not with the same gusto. I took a bag and a grabber outside. I plucked pieces of plastic and paper from the lawn. I think the roofer dropped the wrapping from the shingles and the lawn people ran over them. It was a good standing-up activity.
We had the doors open. As the evening went on, the air cooled. Chris shut the doors and turned the heat back on. I practiced three hymns on my trombone. I ironed a piece of fabric just because it was another good standing-up activity. Then I called my father to see how he was doing. He said not well, but it seemed to be the usual focusing on one thing that went wrong.
I made a cup of tea. I drank it while we watched two episodes of ST:NG. Then we retired to our respective laptops. I wrote up my day as best I could remember it. I prepared for bed, hoping that tomorrow would be better than today.
* No new pics today. *

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