Friday, August 9, 2019

How to find paints and PVC

I heard my alarm go off and stayed in bed a little longer. I don't remember how long it took me tl asleep last night. I listened to the next CD of the book while I sewed strips. I discovered that one of the pieces had a stain after I had sewed it on. I tried to wash it out, but failed. So I cut another piece and sewed it on. Then I did some squaring up.
I took my supplements in order. I made more hydroxyapatite mix and mouthwash. I turned on the router and read e-mail. One from the Tuesday group said they needed Christmas fabric. I looked in the garage first. I found paints and PVC. Then I went to my sewing room and selected a pile to donate next week for the Christmas stockings. I did some research and finalized my Amazon order.
Beverly called. I talked to her while I made breakfast. After the call, Julia came over for the keys, since I had asked her to drive Chris' car. (He was supposed to be here for beach week and drive it himself, but that didn't work out). While she was gone, I mowed the lawn quickly and showered. Julia came back, and said she didn't leave post because an indicator light was on. I sent Chris an e-mail about it. Then I went back to read e-mails and listening to interviews.
At 2:30 I went to the post office. I asked questions about how to mail chocolate overnight. He said all mail goes out in the evening so bring it late in the day. I picked up a box to use later. Then I proceeded to see my massage therapist. She was ready, but we talked for half an hour before we got started. She was investigating a new device that is supposed to protect a whole house from radiation of all kinds, without interfering with cell phone signal.
After the massage, I paid her and we talked a little more. Then I went home. It was 5pm, but I chose to call the seed crackers I ate lunch. I took the lunch supplements with it. I listened to a podcast and sewed a few squares together. I picked a green and purple fabric to make another border for a quilt from last week.
I declared supper around 7. I made a large salad, using up the last of the greens, and ate it while reading e-mail. Then I listened to a podcast on the health benefits of lucid dreaming, also called dream yoga, while I sewed some more. I kept sewing for a few minutes after the interview ended. Then I called up Royal Pains on my laptop, thinking Chris would interrupt it shortly. But he didn't. This episode was a cliffhanger, so I started a second one then realized I still hadn't heard from Chris. I paused it to call him, but he didn't answer. So I watched the second episode. Still no call from Chris. I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed. Then I sat down to write my blog post. When I finished, I turned off the router and went to bed, hoping to hear from Chris in the morning. Maybe I'll see him in a lucid dream.
* The last of my greens *

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