Saturday, August 3, 2019

Quiet in the library

Last night was better, in that I got more sleep. Still itchy though. When I got up, I started reading e-mail, then remembered I had to do laundry. So I gathered up towels and clothes and pillowcases and sheets. They were washing while I read e-mail and listened to something. I made up 7 days of supplements from Dr. Jarvis. At 11 I made breakfast. I took the laundry from the dryer and folded some, put others on the bed.
All of a sudden it was after 12. I gathered up some projects and put my sewing machine in the car. There wasn't time to stop for gas like I had planned. I drove to the library where the modern quilt guild was having a sew day. First there was a meeting of a small group to discuss our QuiltCon submission. Then I set up my machine and dug in. I finished the quilt top in the picture. Then I worked on another patch quilt, but somehow part of it was missing. I cut borders to go on it, but they had to wait to be sewn. I made a backing for another quilt top. Then everyone was packing up. So I did, too. We put up the tables and chairs and took our stuff to our cars. They left. I wanted to experience the quiet of the library. So I went in the front door. I selected a book from a shelf and found a seat. I read for awhile. It was different than reading at home, but not as quiet as I had at first supposed. I put the book back and left the building.
I drove to the nearby dollar store. I found some paints and canvasses. Then I drove back to base. I stopped at the gas station and filled the tank. I pulled around to the curb where an elderberry plant is growing. I picked two stems of ripe berries. Then I went home.
I made and ate a salad for supper, sort of listening to a podcast. I paused it to take the weekend walk. I put on pants because the bugs seem to like me a lot. I guess they are looking for an organic meal, too.
I ripped some fabric off of a flat fold to make a new ironing board cover. I took another yard of something else and put the rest in a tub to donate.
I rubbed my bug bites with zinc oxide, in the form of the sunscreen I made last summer. It seemed to help, but it was very greasy. I watched two episodes of Frasier. Chris called on Skyped just as Frasier ended. We talked for an hour. Then I sat down to write my blog post, wishing it weren't so late.

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