Wednesday, August 7, 2019

More complicated that it should be

I went to bed, listening to a book on CD playing on the computer. I must not have fallen asleep because I realized when it was repeating and got up to turn it off.
When I got up this morning, I played the second CD of the book as I brushed and swished, etc. I exercised and listened to three meditations from Oprah and Deepak. After my coffee morning, I cleaned. At noon I put on my bathing suit and laid on the lawn chair for a little bit. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I stacked the dishwasher and ran it just before I left.
I went to the Korean clinic, forgetting my phone. He wanted to order some krill oil from Swansons. That sounded easy, but somehow it wasn't. Their site wasn't showing the product label so I searched for it online. Amazon had it for $1 cheaper, but his account was old so we had to update. But finally we did get it ordered and sent to the right address.
They were concerned that their bid on a house was rejected but they were not told the reason. I said I didn't know if there was a law about that in Alabama. Then I checked her e-mail for a letter from the student loan people. There were two: one said her paperwork was accepted and she didn't need to make payments for another year. The other one said there was a message in her account inbox. So I had to sign in to her account, which is never as simple as it should be. The message said that her paperwork was incomplete and that she owed over $1200. So she insisted that I call. I had to use her phone. A recorded message said her payment amount was 0, but she insisted that I talk to a live person. The wait was so long that he brought me a foot detox bath while I waited for the next available clerk. Eventually I worked out that the first e-mail was right – her paperwork was complete and accepted. By the time the detox bath was over and the massage that follows it, she was gone. He thanked me for coming and I promised to see him next week.
I went to the post office and found nothing in our box. Then I stopped by the library to pick up the book that I reserved. When I got home, I watered my plants and then our neighbors across the street. I fixed a salad for supper and noted that it was now raining. Sigh.
After the salad, I finished reading the book about the ship lost in time. I was still hungry, so I ate a banana and some nuts. Then I listened to interviews while I made seed crackers, hardboiled eggs, and cut up a new batch of ginger and turmeric roots for tea. I took my evening supplements early and got sleepy. I emptied most of the dishwasher. I called my dad, but William answered. He said Dad only had 5 fat bombs left. We talked for a little bit, but he had to go home. I expected Chris to call, so I called him, but he didn't answer. I wrote up my blog post for the day, thinking of going to bed early. I started the next episode of Royal Pains and Chris skyped me. He seemed more interested in getting back to applying for jobs, so we did not talk long. I finished the episode and got ready for bed.
* Here is another pic I found online that I saved. *

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